Kindergarten and primary school - 1 Hong Kong Mon, 18 Nov 2024 05:41:53 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Kindergarten and primary school - 1 32 32 Distracted Parents In The Age of Screens: How To Model Phone Behaviours For Kids Mon, 18 Nov 2024 05:38:36 +0000 Studies say parenting is now more difficult than it was 20 years ago, with the rise of smartphones partly to blame. Here’s how to deal with it. The age of screens has given birth to a new breed of parents: distracted, frazzled and barely there. While we already know the dangers of excessive screen time […]

The post Distracted Parents In The Age of Screens: How To Model Phone Behaviours For Kids appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Studies say parenting is now more difficult than it was 20 years ago, with the rise of smartphones partly to blame. Here’s how to deal with it.

The age of screens has given birth to a new breed of parents: distracted, frazzled and barely there. While we already know the dangers of excessive screen time on children, the tough truth is that smartphone fixation hits parents just as hard. After all, if you can’t put your phone down, why should kids?

But before spiraling into a frenzy of parental guilt, let us be clear—parents are allowed to use smartphones around their children. In fact, smartphones can be a way to be better parents if used intentionally

Read More: Making Friends In Hong Kong: How To Meet New People As Parents

How to model phone behaviour for kids family

The problem occurs when routine scrolling, sometimes mindlessly, interrupts actual interactions between parents and their child. Think of this: You are at the dinner table and instead of having a conversation with your kids, you are glued to your phone, maybe squeezing in a short me time after a tiring day at work.

Researchers call this phenomenon “technoference,” a portmanteau of technology and interference. It happens when gadgets get in the way of physically interacting with family members. 

A study by Preply published in August found that 6 in 10 Hongkongers admit to being addicted to their smartphones. Notably, over 95% of parents who participated in the survey said they use phones to keep their child entertained so they can have their personal time. But while raising a human being has always been a toughie since the pre-gadgets era, several studies show that parenting is now much harder than it was decades ago. A study by Pew Research Center in 2020 found that two-thirds of parents in the U.S. believe being a parent in this age is harder than it was 20 years ago, mainly because of technology and social media. So how can you model healthy gadget habits for your children?

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How to model phone behaviours for kids as parents

Being more present with children in the age of technology

Children are great mimics. If you want your kid to practice restraint with devices, you should lead the way by:

  • Whenever possible, keep your phone away when spending time with kids. Out of sight, out of mind. We know too well the unconscious habit of picking up the phone when a notification buzzes. Cut the cord by allowing uninterrupted moments of interactions.
  • Establish a tech-free zone. It can be at the dinner table or in the living room during your family’s game night. Alternatively, you can also set specific times of day when no one is allowed to touch the phone, for example during mealtime. Create an environment where the family can fully interact without the micro-distractions.
  • Have a shared experience with gadgets. With the right balance, screen time can be a beneficial experience for the family. You can watch educational videos together or explore apps that can stimulate your child’s creativity. 
  • Do not underestimate the power of explaining. Parents are restless creatures. It’s almost as if we always have to be in two places at the same time. If you really need to answer that message or pick up that call, explain to your child that you will take care of something important but will be back right away to focus on them again. This will help them understand that while you are occupied with something, they are still your priority.

We’ve all been in that situation where we’re fixated on the phone while our kids play at the park. It doesn’t make us bad parents. But it does highlight the importance of being there and of being intentional about the way we use our phone. When we set aside our devices and engage intentionally with our children, we can strengthen our connections for lasting memories. After all, that buzz can wait.

Read More: Better Alternatives To Giving Hong Kong Kids Mobile Phones


The post Distracted Parents In The Age of Screens: How To Model Phone Behaviours For Kids appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Bullying In Hong Kong: Tips To Prevent Your Kids From Becoming Victims Wed, 11 Sep 2024 22:00:38 +0000 Bullying in Hong Kong, especially in schools and on playgrounds, is far more common than we realise. Here’s how to recognise this common childhood malaise and tips on how to prevent it at any age. School has just started and some of our kids may display reluctance to go back to school or even suggest […]

The post Bullying In Hong Kong: Tips To Prevent Your Kids From Becoming Victims appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Bullying in Hong Kong, especially in schools and on playgrounds, is far more common than we realise. Here’s how to recognise this common childhood malaise and tips on how to prevent it at any age.

School has just started and some of our kids may display reluctance to go back to school or even suggest changing schools. While some anxiety about school is normal, if it persists, try to dig deeper to see if it’s due to bullying. From our own experience, we know children can be cruel. If someone is mean to our kids, but their behaviour is more or less harmless, we can forgive it and forget. Bullying though can have longer and more serious implications.

Read more: Get Back-To-School Ready – School Supplies, Extracurriculars And More

bullying in hong kong how common is it

How common is bullying in Hong Kong?

Experts define bullying as when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally causes hurt or harm to another person (or group of people) who feels helpless to respond. Often hidden from adults, bullying will likely continue if no action is taken. Simply put, it means intentionally being ridiculed, humiliated, embarrassed, intimidated, emotionally battered, or even tortured, overtly or covertly.

Common types of bullying

  • Verbal bullying: This involves name-calling, teasing, threats and insulting.
  • Physical bullying: This ranges from pushing, hitting, pinching, scratching, etc. to unwanted touching and damaging property.
  • Relational bullying: This is associated with tactics used to exclude the child socially, from alienating him or her from friends to starting rumours, public humiliation and playing hurtful pranks.
  • Cyberbullying: This is done using technology and the Internet, especially social media. Experts warn that it’s more dangerous these days as it’s easier, quicker, and can be far more harmful than many of the other forms of bullying.
  • Sexual bullying: This could be verbal or physical abuse with sexual connotations, crude name-calling, inappropriate and vulgar gestures and uninvited propositioning. In extreme cases, it might also include pornographic content. Gender discrimination can be a form of sexual bullying.
  • Prejudicial bullying: This is a form of direct discrimination based on race, religion and ability (if someone is lablled as different). This may include slurs and can be verbal, physical, relational and/or cyber.

Recently Hong Kong schools have had a bad reputation with bullying and even student suicide making headlines in the news. Maitreyi Mehta, former school counsellor and current relationships counsellor with Connect Counselling says that bullying in Hong Kong schools is difficult to measure; however according to this research by CityU Hong Kong, approximately 30% of students in the city’s schools experience bullying.

Read More: How To Talk To Kids About World Events & Scary News

Bullying in hong kong: common signs of bullying

Why does bullying happen?

We all know that the instinct of “survival of the fittest” is etched deeply into us, but can manifest itself in more aggressive forms. Bullying sometimes stems from this in the sense that it often comes from an individual overcompensating for his or her own insecurities (trying to eliminate anyone weaker or challenge those fitter, with the resources available)  Child psychologist, Anuprita Kalgutkar says:

Bullying is a display of an imbalance of power. Bullies usually target a child or teen making him or her a scapegoat either to vent their own frustrations, hide their own weaknesses or simply to gain popularity among their peers. Jealousy is also an important factor in choosing the target.

Read More: Child Psychologists, Counsellors And Therapists In Hong Kong

Bullying in hong kong: signs of bullying

How to recognise signs that your children are being bullied?

Most children are surprisingly hardy and will not allow bullies to affect them immediately (in most cases). They might even keep quiet, hoping to eventually get accepted by the group. If your children stay silent, how can you pick up on signs that they might be victims of bullying? The tell-tale symptoms are:

  • If your child has become more quiet, anxious, cries easily, shows decreased energy levels, has headaches, stomach aches and problems sleeping.
  • Some may seem unsure of themselves and start doubting their capabilities. Make a note of how they speak of themselves.
  • Their circle of friends seems to have changed.
  • A few have incomplete school work, start performing poorly in academics and other activities, refuse to go to school, extra-curricular classes and social events (such as birthday parties).
  • There might be other physical signs such as bruises, torn clothing, damaged property and missing belongings.

It might be more difficult to spot the signs in older kids. Bullied teenagers might become exceedingly aggressive at home, especially with their siblings. They may swing from being extremely conscious of their physical appearance to neglecting their looks and appearance completely. With teens, you may have to adopt a slightly less direct approach to be able to recognise signs of bullying. Try to continue certain routine activities with them, such as helping them put away their clothes, books, school material, etc. It’s a good way to observe and assess them. Family dinners are equally important and should be made into a casual, easy conversation.

Maitreyi Mehta shares some tips that could help stay connected to what’s happening in your older kids’ lives.

Be curious about your child’s friends and social groups. Try as much as possible to have access to your teen’s social accounts.

It’s always good to remind your children that they could and should come to you if they feel like something upsetting is happening at school.

Read More: How To Talk To Your Teen – 9 Effective Communication Tips

Bullying in hong kong: parenting school counsellor

What to do if your child is being bullied?

Bullying affects the entire being of the targeted individual and it’s only natural, as parents, to shift into “damage control” mode. However, it is important to remember not to overreact to not overwhelm your child. If your child is naturally shy, teach your child to become more empowered, self-confident and resilient. It is a good time to help your little ones grow up and realise that they are more than what the bullies are making them out to be. Let your child know that this behaviour is bullying and that the issue is about the person inciting the bullying, and not them.  For more advice, check out Family Lives and Empowering Parents here.

Your ultimate goal should be to help your child develop the confidence and garner the courage to change their experience – either to complain to the authorities, journal, or anything that helps them find closure from the experience.

Read More: Raising Resilient Hong Kong Kids By Teaching Them Happiness

Bullying in hong kong: hong kong schools bullying

How to address bullying in Hong Kong schools?

It’s important to remember that EDB has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to bullying in Hong Kong schools. (Find more information here and get information on resources for Co-creating a Harmonious School here). Your first step is to inform the school authorities – the class teacher, school counsellor and principal (depending on the severity). Ideally, the school class teacher/counsellor will have a plan in place for this kind of behaviour. It can range from keeping the students apart at school (older kids) to having a formal script of apology between the students (younger kids).

If the bullying has not been too severe and you believe it requires just some parental guidance, get in touch with the bullying student’s parents to let them know you would like to understand what’s been happening at school.

The action taken in Hong Kong schools once a case of bullying has been reported can range from having a chat with the students involved to some forms of detention, school suspension and school expulsion – all dependent on the severity of the case.

Maitreyi Mehta reassures parents that bullying can be tackled successfully at Hong Kong schools, if dealt with properly.

I’ve seen bullying most successfully dealt with when girls are involved – studies show girls have the ability to speak about their emotions more readily. Girls’ groups are great counselling tools at schools to help girls get along after a situation of bullying. It works better with younger girls. I’ve seen bullying least successfully being dealt with amongst older boys, when defensive tactics are already in place and this makes it more difficult to challenge the situation.

Unfortunately, not all tactics work and Maitreyi admits that she’s also seen many students switch schools due to severe bullying. While that’s an unpleasant scenario, it may be an option to protect your child’s best interests.

Read more: Local vs. International School – How To Choose The Right School For Your Child In Hong Kong

Bullying in hong kong: what parents can do

What to do if your child is the bully?

Your job as a parent gets tougher if you find that your child is the bully! The most important thing to do is to stay calm and not jump to “punishment” and “say sorry” mode. Remember the mantra to help your child will be to figure out his or her need to bully. Your child should not feel that a quick apology is enough. If they do, they will simply reboot and start afresh with a new target.

If your child’s bullying comes from insecurity, address that first and help your child become stronger within. Once they are stronger and more self-aware, help them work up the courage to apologise to the child they have targeted.

If your child’s bullying comes from being overly popular, use books, videos and apps to help you have a dialogue about:

  • short-term popularity vs. long-term reputation
  • teamwork
  • empathy and mindfulness as a universally-accepted way to be successful
  • self-development and awareness

You might need to help your child break off from his or her clique if peer pressure is the source of the bullying. Have conversations about the family ethos and talk about admired mentors who stand up for what they believe is right. Just as you would if your child is the victim, try to channel some energy into developing new hobbies and achieving new goals.

Read more: 12 Parenting Podcasts To Add To Your Playlists Right Now

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in December 2019 by Anuprita Kalgutkar and updated in September 2024.

The post Bullying In Hong Kong: Tips To Prevent Your Kids From Becoming Victims appeared first on Sassy Mama.

How To Talk To Kids About World Events & Scary News Mon, 19 Aug 2024 22:00:14 +0000 Broaden young ones’ horizons by helping to inform their world views. Have age-appropriate conversations about world events and broach scary news topics with reassurance. Relentless rain is common in the tropics, and it can lead to another kind of downpour – the questions our kids throw at us! “What are landslides?”, “Does Hong Kong have […]

The post How To Talk To Kids About World Events & Scary News appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Broaden young ones’ horizons by helping to inform their world views. Have age-appropriate conversations about world events and broach scary news topics with reassurance.

Relentless rain is common in the tropics, and it can lead to another kind of downpour – the questions our kids throw at us! “What are landslides?”, “Does Hong Kong have tornadoes?” “Is this much rain happening because of climate change?” While answering kids honestly is important, you may find yourself discussing natural disasters, man-made calamities, and even world events, such as war and politics much earlier than you imagined.

Our children are naturally curious and while we always encourage their inquisitiveness in the classrooms, when it comes to world events and scary news, we wish to shield them so they can retain their innocence for as long as possible. But difficult topics arise everywhere – in the classroom, on the playground and even while watching the Olympics (questions on refugee teams and individual neutral athletes). Your child will want to know what is happening in the world, even if the news is not always pleasant. With diseases, trade wars and divisive events taking place globally, how can you raise your children to ensure they become mature, balanced and well-informed young adults?

Read More: Raising Resilient Hong Kong Kids By Teaching Them Happiness

discussing scary news and world events with children in hong kong

What If The News Is Scary Or Disturbing?

It’s always best that children get their news and views from the parents or the best-informed source. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing and if we are not talking to our children about the scary world out there, they could get information from kids their age who know just as little.

Scary news could be natural and man-made disasters, from typhoons and tornadoes to wild fires and landslides. It could also be riots and racial attacks, wars and incursions. Sometimes, talking about these events is also a chance for you to do a bit of research yourself on the protocols if such incidents were to happen. It’s one of the reasons that schools have fire drills so regularly – to ensure that teachers are well-equipped to lead the kids to safety in a calm manner. It’s also the reason every Hong Kong newbie reads up on typhoons to better understand the warning signs and safety precautions.

News doesn’t always have to be scary to be disturbing. The death of a favourite singer, actor or sports person can also be traumatic. No matter how shocking the news, it is best to be open and honest in your conversation with your child and not shy away from speaking about diseases, mental health and more.

Some ways to reassure your child would be:

  • Never brush away concerns. Even if your child has not grasped the news correctly and seems worried about something implausible, be patient.
  • Be open and honest in your discussions about news and world events, but always filter the news to deliver it in the most age-appropriate way. Once your kids are independent enough to read and consume news on their own, you should continue the practice of discussing it to see what they have really understood.
  • Explain that Hong Kong is a safe city and realistically, the chances of such events happening are rare. However, it is an expat city so make them aware of those around them whom it could affect (cyclones in the Philippines could affect our helpers, friends in the classroom could have grandparents in riot-affected areas, etc.)
  • Encourage your kids to do their bit to help. This could be anything from donating pocket money, to organising a clothes collection drive to volunteering with charity organisations in Hong Kong.

Read More: Family Volunteering – Teaching Kids To Give Back To Society

parenting discuss world events informed children hk hands

If It Doesn’t Affect Hong Kong, Why Talk To Children About World Events?

We don’t live in a bubble and can’t afford to be removed from what is happening around us. Local and world events can take their toll on the economy, as well as on the safety and standard of those living in the country involved, and those who maintain political or economic (maybe even emotional) ties to it. Not to mention the global energy and environmental crises also have a far-reaching impact and are capable of harming plant, animal and human life.

If you think about it purely from a child’s educational standpoint, knowledge of current affairs is always required at higher levels and could be a prerequisite for entry into certain universities and streams, in addition to having an informed opinion about world affairs. Your child’s opinion will determine his or her actions, interests and career choices. Every opinion, however differing from yours, is important and worthy of respect.

Read More: Kids Who Care – Teenagers Making A Difference In The Community

discussing scary news and world events with children in hong kong news on laptop

Raising Informed Children: Discuss And Debate World Events

We have moved away from reading newspapers and watching news broadcasts to consuming media on our handheld devices, and therefore our kids may not be as aware of our viewing habits. Make it a point to discuss world events and debate their impact on all parties involved. It develops understanding, the ability to both listen and speak effectively, argue a point coherently and take a stand – all things that contribute to their EQ and IQ.

Purchasing a newspaper subscription could be a good way to get your children into the habit of consuming news, or perhaps children’s newspapers and digital publications. You could also play your favourite news podcast while they are getting ready for school.

Read More: Best Podcasts For Kids – Children’s Stories, Science, History And More

discussing scary news and world events with children in hong kong fact check news

Raising Informed Children: Fact Check News

In a world where social media and news is so readily available, it is easy to come across unsubstantiated sources. As parents, it’s important to verify forwards received and click-bait links. Some countries have fact-checking websites (these are especially good in the US with the Pulitzer Prize-winning PolitiFact, FactCheck and Science Feedback), which are helpful if you can verify exactly what you are looking for.

A good rule of thumb is to see how many well-known publications report an event and where they  source their information. Keep in mind that even reputed media organisations have their biases. While it’s tempting to look for news that mirrors your beliefs, try to be open minded and hear the other side.

Read More: The Things Our Mamas Once Told Us

parenting raising informed children respect and understanding of world events and scary news

Raising Informed Children: Respect All Opinions

Make an effort to consider a contrary point of view– it shows respect which children will learn to model. Today’s fragmented world is increasingly divided with opposing political ideologies and economic standpoints; each side dismissive of the other and its supporters without taking their (often genuine) concerns into consideration. This leads to an even wider gap between opposing sides, and shock and anger when the outcomes of an election, referendum or national policy is unexpected. The more you teach your children to accept and understand other points of view, while staying true to their own, the more likely they are to grow up to be emotionally stable and rational adults.

Similarly, it may be tough for parents to accept that your children may not share your point of view. It’s true of every generation and chances are that you’ve taken a different stand to your own parents on many issues. Our views, and those of others, are shaped by life experiences so it would be impossible to find two people who are exactly the same, especially when it comes to politics, things are rarely black and white!

Read More: Parenting Teenagers – How To Talk To And Understand Your Teens

parenting raising informed children rally understand world events and scary news

Raising Informed Children: Teach Them About History

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Almost everything happening in the world around us has happened before over the years. Similar events may even be happening at the same time in other parts of the world. Young people (especially teenagers) tend to be very influenced by their peers, and often believe that no one else can quite understand what they are going through. Showing them examples of how other conflicts in the world are being resolved will give them a sense of perspective. You may even find it encourages their interest in becoming a teacher, journalist, conservationist or bureaucrat. Expose your children to current affairs, balance their opinions with different sides of the story, and ground them with history. After all, the future lies with them.

Read More: Can Your 7-Year-Old Teach You To Manage Money? Financial Literacy In Kids Is On The Rise

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in September 2019 and recently updated in August 2024.

The post How To Talk To Kids About World Events & Scary News appeared first on Sassy Mama.

The Best Extracurricular Activities And After School Classes In Hong Kong Mon, 05 Aug 2024 22:00:21 +0000 Extracurricular activities and after-school classes are a great way to discover and develop your child’s talent. Here are the best in Hong Kong for kids of all ages with a variety of interests! Looking for extracurricular activities to develop your child’s personal growth? These classes can supplement what a child learns at school with practical, […]

The post The Best Extracurricular Activities And After School Classes In Hong Kong appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Extracurricular activities and after-school classes are a great way to discover and develop your child’s talent. Here are the best in Hong Kong for kids of all ages with a variety of interests!

Looking for extracurricular activities to develop your child’s personal growth? These classes can supplement what a child learns at school with practical, hands-on knowledge, while helping to identify and hone talent. Most importantly, soft skills such as communication, compassion and leadership are often developed through after-school classes and workshops.

As extracurricular classes in school tend to fill up quicklyit’s best to scout around for external class providers. From art classes to sports, tech and coding workshops to the stage with dance classes and drama courses for kids, you’re sure to find something to keep your toddlers and teens entertained and stimulated after the school bell rings.

Jump To:
Dance, Drama, Music
Sports & Swimming
Arts & Creative
Coding, Science & Stem

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Multi-Activity Extracurricular Classes

activekids multiactivity extracurricular classes kids hong kong lessons hk

ActiveKids – Multi-activity after-school classes for 3 to 18-year-olds

ActiveKids specialises in delivering fun and educational multi-activity programs to children from 3 to 18 years old. It offers interactive and engaging after-school activities at the ActiveKids Learning Centre in Kennedy Town as well as at over 60 schools and club locations. From hands-on science, creative cooking and international chess training to robotics, coding, arts and crafts and fashion design, your child is sure to find something they love!

ActiveKids Learning Centre, Unit A, 1/F, Nan Seng Building, 86 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong, Whatsapp: 9178 7376, Instagram: @activekidshk

ESF Explore Afterschool Activities Hong Kong

ESF Explore – The largest non-profit after-school class provider in Hong Kong

With over 30 years of extensive experience, ESF Explore is the largest non-profit afterschool classes provider in Hong Kong. It offers a comprehensive range of all-rounded programmes for children (both ESF and non-ESF students) from 6 months to 17 years old including playgroups, language courses and up to 13 different types of sports.

Sassy Mama Tip: ESF Explore has a refer-a-friend scheme where you can receive a $200 non-refundable credit voucher for each new referee who enrols for a regular class or a holiday class!

ESF Explorevarious locations across Hong Kong, 2711 1280,

guidepost hong kong montessori kitchen education extra curricular activities hk

Guidepost Montessori – Extracurricular enrichment programs in Hong Kong

If your child wants to explore a little bit of everything, Guidepost Montessori might be the right fit. It offers extracurricular enrichment programmess that give children aged 2.5 to 6 years old the ability to dive deep into different areas and explore their interests. They’ll have the opportunity to learn everything from cooking in the Montessori Kitchen, growing plants in the Montessori Garden, building on language skills with Guidepost’s English Literacy Arts and Mandarin Immersion programmess, to unleashing their creativity with DIY arts and crafts in the Mini Makers program.

Sassy Mama Tip: If you enrol in three classes, a 15% discount will be offered, and families who enrol in five classes will receive a 30% discount for the season.

Guidepost Montessori, various locations across Hong Kong, 9126 6211,

Kelly Yang Project Extracurricular Activities Hong Kong

The Kelly Yang Project – Model UN extracurricular activities in Hong Kong

This premier learning centre offers intensive young author workshops, Model United Nations (MUN), competitive debate, global thinking and critical writing classes.

Kelly Yang, various locations across Hong Kong, 2810 4822,

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Casita – Extracurricular classes with mixed ages in dance, STEM and more

Casita combines Zumbini with its popular Play-Oriented Discovery Sessions (PODS) comprising sensory exploration, arts and crafts and STEM activities.

 Casita, 2/F Workington Tower, 78 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 6291

Multi activity extracurricular activities in Hong Kong

More Multi-Activity Extracurricular Classes

  • Hong Kong Academy – Co-curricular after-school multi-activity classes from outdoor activities to performing arts.
  • Qurio Education – Extracurricular activities designed to complement what’s taught in local schools.
  • JA (Junior Achievement) Hong Kong – Programmes for kids of all ages to achieve career readiness, financial health and entrepreneurship skills.
  • JEMS Character Academy – Extracurricular activities to build character and social-emotional skills.
  • FezEd Adventuring School – Online extracurricular classes for all-around development.

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Dance, Drama & Music Extracurricular Activities In Hong Kong

extracurricular activities move for life dance classes for children hong kong extracurricular activity hk after school classes mfl

Move For Life – Extracurricular dance classes in Sheung Wan

Founded on the idea that dancing resonates with children (especially the little ones) and gives them confidence and joy, Move For Life offers a variety of classes for kids aged 1 to 12 years old. Your young ones will have their stage presence and sense of independence improved by performing alongside their fellow dancers, not to mention the added benefit of enhancing mobility and flexibility. This term will focus on a Disney Parade for Move Monkeys (6 to 12 years) and Halloween and Winter shows for the Little Movers (1 to 5 years).

Sassy Mama Tip: Don’t forget that you get a 3-class trial when you sign up. Plus, you can refer friends through the Referral Programme to get a full, free term!

Move For Life, 111 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 5577 8047,

Ballroom Bees Extracurricular Activities Hong Kong

Ballroom Bees – Ballroom dancing after school classes for kids

Founded by “Strictly Come Dancing” star Katya Virshilas and her world Champion husband Klaus Kongsdal Jensen, Ballroom Bees focuses on teaching young kids ballroom dancing. Classes are suitable for kids from 18 months to 11 years old.

Ballroom Bees, various locations across Hong Kong, 4622

Read More: Kids’ Dance Classes In Hong Kong – Dance Studios To Learn Ballet, Jazz, K-Pop, Hip-Hop And More

extracurricular activities faust performing arts theatre classes for children hong kong extracurricular activity hk after school classes faust world

Faust – Performing arts extracurricular activities in Hong Kong

Founded in 1999, Faust brings the wondrous world of theatre and performing arts to young people. In this fun-filled environment, kids will develop strong interpersonal social skills and confidence. Children aged 4 to 19 years can join a Drama and Musical Theatre Programme starting in September – it’s never too early or too late to start busting a move! If you’re still not sold, sign your child up for a free trial workshop on Saturday, 31 August or Saturday, 7 September at the Sheung Wan Studio.

Sassy Mama Tip: With the Multiple Term Discount, you can register your child for two terms and get 7% off, or register for all three terms and get 10% off. With the Sibling Discount, if you register a second or subsequent sibling, you’ll get an additional 10% off!

Faust, 5/F, Nan Dao Commercial Building, 359-361 Queen’s Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong,,

Jean M Ballet school Afterschool Activities Hong Kong

Jean M. Wong School of Ballet – Classical ballet extracurricular classes in Hong Kong

Having been on the dancing scene in Hong Kong since 1960, the Jean M. Wong School of Ballet starts training young and uses the RAD system for classes and examinations. Suitable for kids from 2 years old.

Jean M. Wong School of Balletvarious locations across Hong Kong, 2886 3992,

Parkland Music Institute — Music extracurricular classes across Hong Kong

Parkland Music offers some of the most extensive guitar classes in the city as well as almost any other musical instrument you could think of. It also has a stellar kid’s programme just for little ones aged 2 to 8 years who want to learn the guitar.

Parkland Music Institutevarious locations across Hong Kong, 2660 9138,

Read More: Music Lessons – Piano Teachers, Guitar, Singing Lessons And More In Hong Kong

Dance Drama Music Extracurricular Activities Hong Kong

More Dance, Drama & Music Extracurricular Activities In Hong Kong

Read More: Acting Lessons, Speech, And Drama Classes In Hong Kong For Kids Of All Ages

Sports & Swimming Extracurricular Classes

minisport extracurricular classes sports classes multiple sports hockey for kids

Minisport — A sampler class of a variety of sports for young kids

It’s no easy task working out which sport your kid will find a passion for. At Minisport, they’ll be introduced to six sports through one programme, with hockey, athletics, basketball, football, tennis and rugby covered throughout the first term. From throwing and kicking to running, jumping and tackling obstacle courses, kids aged 1.5 to 6 years old will develop skills that form the basics of multiple sports with the help of international coaches and small classes. Term 1 starts Monday, 19 August 2024 and you can enrol here.

Sassy Mama Tip: Download the app to easily manage bookings, get $380 in free credit and receive monthly progress reports.

Minisport, various locations across Hong Kong, 5409 6512,

Trybe extracurricular classes sports classes ninja training for kids gymnastics flexibility circus parkour

Trybe – Let your little one unleash their inner Ninja!

If your kids are always bouncing off the walls with seemingly endless energy, you may as well send them to a place that’s both safe and playful! Trybe offers gymnastics, circus, strength and flexibility classes suitable for all ages and levels, from toddlers to seniors. The passionate instructors they have on hand will guide your tot through the Trybe Ninja Program that serves as a foundation for all sports while promoting safety, fun and teamwork. The students will engage in ninja training with specialisation in acrobatics and parkour, learning to use their inner confidence and resiliency to overcome obstacles inside the gym and beyond.

Sassy Mama Tip: During the holidays, the seasonal camps are available for trials – the perfect chance to see if this is the right fit for your kid!

Trybe, G/F, Nam Hung Mansion, 5H Belchers Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong, 5400 7710,,

Rugby Tots sports extracurricular classes Afterschool Activities Hong Kong

Rugby Tots – Rugby for children and toddlers in Hong Kong

Rugby Tots offers rugby classes for children and toddlers, providing a unique atmosphere to improve their confidence, skills and have lots of fun along the way. Sessions are specially designed for each age group and they have Hong Kong’s most engaging and energetic coaches supporting them every step of the way.

Rugby Totsvarious locations across Hong Kong, 5727 0519,

26 Coaching Eca Extracurricular Activities

26 Coaching – Extracurricular activities in track athletics or triathlon and multi-sport disciplines

From elite-level athletes to beginners, 26 Coaching offers after-school programmes taught by experienced coach Kate Rutherford to help the budding track and field stars of the future (like 26 alumni Jason Ng in the Paris Olympics). Suitable for ages 6 to 18 years old.

26 Coaching, various locations across Hong Kong,

Read More: Kids’ Sports In Hong Kong – Badminton, Rugby and Basketball Sports Classes For Kids

Australasia Tennis Aces (ATA) – Extracurricular classes with tennis coaching for kids

Australasia Tennis Aces, or ATA, is a reputable tennis company in Hong Kong with a wide variety of coaching expertise and programmes for kids from 3 to 18 years old.

 Australasia Tennis Aces, various locations across Hong Kong, 9104

Harry Wright Swimming school extracurricular classes Afterschool Activities Hong Kong

Harry Wright International – Extracurricular kids’ swimming classes

Boasting accomplished alumni, including ex-Olympians and Hong Kong record-holders, Harry Wright International is synonymous with swimming classes in the city. Classes are suitable for ages 4 months and up.

 Harry Wright International, 2C Kwong Ga Building, 64 Victoria Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong, 2575

Read More: Swimming Lessons In Hong Kong – Swimming Courses For All The Family

My Gym – Gymnastics extracurricular classes for children

My Gym is an established English-based gymnastics playgroup for kids. The centre helps kids from 6 months to 6 years old develop and improve their movement, body awareness, coordination and dexterity skills (while having a lot of fun in the process!).

 My GymChildren’s Fitness Center, various locations in Hong Kong, 2577

Read More: Best Playgroups In Hong Kong For Babies And Toddlers

AP Soccer football school extracurricular classes Afterschool Activities Hong Kong

More Sports & Swimming Extracurricular Classes In Hong Kong

  • Asia Pacific Soccer Schools (APSS) And Kinder Kicks – Extracurricular classes ideal for budding footballers.
  • Hong Kong International Tennis Academy (HKITA) – Kids’ tennis coaches in Hong Kong for kids from 2 to 18 years old.
  • Hong Kong Badminton Association (HKBA) – Badminton coaches for kids in Hong Kong.
  • Sai Kung Sharks – Football for toddlers to 14 years old with girls’ football classes also available.

Read More: Best Hong Kong Football Schools For Kids And Teens

Extracurricular Language Classes In Hong Kong

Mandarin TIme School chinese language Extracurricular Activities hong kong

Mandarin Time School – Private, group and holiday classes

Mandarin Time School offers classes for kids and teens at any level, starting from the age of 5. It’s the highest-ranking Mandarin school in Hong Kong and offers both private and group classes, as well as lessons held during holidays such as Summer, Christmas and Easter so your little one can stay on top of their studies! The school specialises in teaching Mandarin as a second language, particularly for those studying in Primary and Secondary schools. You can register online and get a free placement test in the heart of Central.

Sassy Mama Perk Use code SASSY at registration to get a 30-minute free trial in a group class or a 20-minute free trial in a private class, valid until Sunday, 31 August 2025.

Mandarin Time School, 14/F, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong, 6153 7108,

Read More: Where To Learn Chinese In Hong Kong – Mandarin Classes And Cantonese Tutors

Mini Mandarins Extracurricular Activities

Mini Mandarins – Mandarin extracurricular activities for children

All extracurricular classes at Mini Mandarins are run in small groups of four to six children and are taught using the situational teaching method, which integrates learning, play and exercise. Suitable for kids from 1.5 years old.

Mini Mandarins Learning Centre, Unit 202-205, 2/F Wilson House, 19-27 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong, 2320 1128,

Alliance Française – Extracurricular French classes in Hong Kong

Alliance Française’s extracurricular activities are taught in French in order to maximise exposure and give kids and teens the opportunity to discover the culture and really practise speaking the language. Suitable for kids from 18 months to 16 years old.

 Alliance Française, various locations across Hong Kong,

language courses hk pexels extracurricular classes Afterschool Activities Hong Kong

More Extracurricular Language Classes In Hong Kong

Read More: Top Bilingual Schools And Bilingual Kindergartens In Hong Kong

Arts & Creative Extracurricular Classes In Hong Kong

HK Art Tutoring Extracurricular Activities Hong Kong

Hong Kong Art Tutoring – Extracurricular art classes for kids in Hong Kong

Whether your child is looking for extra help with their art coursework, trying to build a portfolio for university, or simply wanting to get involved, Hong Kong Art Tutoring is just the ticket! Suitable for kids from 14 to 18 years old.

 Hong Kong Art Tutoring, 21/F, Chu Kee Building, 435 Kings Road, North Point, Hong Kong, 9722 8353,

Read More: Art Classes For Kids – Art Jamming, Chinese Calligraphy & More

CreativeKids – In-person and online extracurricular classes in Hong Kong

CreativeKids collaborates with schools, centres and corporations to bring you all kinds of art and design-related extracurricular activities from drawing to oil painting, architecture and more. Suitable for kids from 1.5 years.

 CreativeKids, various locations across Hong Kong, 2530 4336,

arts and creative pexels extracurricular classes Afterschool Activities Hong Kong

More Arts & Creative Extracurricular Classes In Hong Kong

Read More: Arts And Crafts – The Best Art Supply Stores In Hong Kong

Coding, Science & STEM Extracurricular Classes In Hong Kong

Cobo Academy Extracurricular Activities Hong Kong Coding Classes

Cobo Academy – Extracurricular activities in tech and coding

Cobo Academy’s innovative curriculum is the collective brainchild of experienced coders and educators – many of whom happen to be parents! Classes are available online and also in-person and are suitable for kids from 4 years old.

Cobo Academy, various locations across Hong Kong, 3905

Curiosity Kids – After-school science classes in Hong Kong

Curiosity Kids promises to get your kids interested in science and how things work. Classes are suitable for kids from 2 to 8 years old.

 Curiosity Kids, 5731 6516,

Tech camps Extracurricular Activities

More Coding, Science & STEM Extracurricular Classes In Hong Kong

Read More: Kids’ Coding In Hong Kong – Coding Bootcamps, STEM Courses And More

Editor’s Note: “The Best Extracurricular Activities And After School Classes In Hong Kong” was most recently updated in August 2024 by Veena Raghunath, with thanks to Najuka Redkar for her contribution.

The post The Best Extracurricular Activities And After School Classes In Hong Kong appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Learn Something New, Mamas: Understand Your Kids’ Fascination With Gaming Sun, 04 Aug 2024 22:02:04 +0000 … and decide whether you should allow them to game. We teach Hong Kong parents about Minecraft, Fortnite, Valorant and more. Learn about the world of gaming and video games; what to watch out for; and how and when games benefit children. This special series aims to teach parents about what kids these days are […]

The post Learn Something New, Mamas: Understand Your Kids’ Fascination With Gaming appeared first on Sassy Mama.

… and decide whether you should allow them to game. We teach Hong Kong parents about Minecraft, Fortnite, Valorant and more. Learn about the world of gaming and video games; what to watch out for; and how and when games benefit children.

This special series aims to teach parents about what kids these days are into (sometimes it feels like they speak a different language!). Our previous posts covered YouTubers they were obsessed with, K-pop bands they were fans of, while this one is about what has always been a mum’s bugbear – the world of gaming.

Read More: Learn Something New, Mamas – K-Pop Bands Your Kids Love From BTS To BLACKPINK, Seventeen & More

Why Is Gaming Appealing To Kids

Why Is Gaming So Appealing To Kids In Hong Kong And The World Over?

“Ugh! Why does my kid stare at that screen all day?”
“Can’t he go and get some fresh air?!”
“Isn’t that a bit violent?”

It’s likely these thoughts have occurred while watching your kids game, while others launch into deadly attacks on the screen. Full disclosure – I am a 16-year-old avid gamer and I know that my mum has often had the same thoughts. Luckily for me, after careful consideration and discussion, while also monitoring my gaming habits, she has allowed me to game in moderation.

Gaming is something that has always intrigued kids (and I am sure many of you too, in your time!). But why? It’s a combination of:

  • Engaging gameplay
  • Reward systems
  • Social interaction
  • The ability to escape into another world

Not to mention that games are getting increasingly sophisticated. All of this contributes to the addictive nature of games.

Read More: Screen Time For Kids – Top Apps And Sites To Manage Your Child’s Digital Footprint

dangers of gaming for kids

The Dangers Of Gaming – What Parents Should Know

Gaming can be an incredibly enjoyable and enriching activity for many people, but like any form of entertainment or hobby, it’s not without its potential dangers.

  • Gaming addiction

Gaming addiction, also known as gaming disorder, is a real concern for some individuals. Excessive gaming can lead to neglect of other responsibilities, such as work, school, or personal relationships.

  • The effect on physical health

Sitting for long periods while gaming can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with various health risks such as obesity, heart disease and poor posture. Additionally, excessive gaming can lead to issues like repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) or carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Gaming can also affect mental health

While gaming can be a source of stress relief for many, it can also contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or social isolation, particularly if gaming becomes a person’s sole focus.

  • Violence and aggression

Some studies suggest a link between violent video games and increased aggression, though the extent of this correlation is debated within the scientific community. However, excessive exposure to violent content in games can desensitise individuals to real-world violence.

  • Online risks associated with gaming

Online gaming introduces gamers to risks such as cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and interactions with strangers who may have malicious intentions.

  • Financial concerns

Gaming can become an expensive hobby, especially with the rise of micro-transactions and in-game purchases. Some individuals may spend beyond their means on gaming-related expenses, leading to financial difficulties.

  • Impact on academic or professional life

Excessive gaming can interfere with academic or professional responsibilities, leading to poor performance or missed opportunities.

It’s important to note that these dangers don’t affect everyone who plays video games and many people enjoy gaming responsibly without experiencing any negative consequences. However, it’s essential to be mindful of these potential risks and to maintain a balanced approach to gaming.

Read More: “I feel nagged 24/7 by Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube – it feels like it takes control of my brain.”

Benefits of Gaming

Are There Any Benefits Of Gaming For Kids?

Before you feel alarmed, there are reasons why you should allow children to game. Don’t take the word of a 16-year-old! Look at the published studies of the stress-busting effects of gaming on undergraduate students. Every con or danger of gaming can be a positive, if practised judiciously, as advised by Dutch gaming experts, The Game Room (Editor’s note: the website is in Dutch).  

  • Gaming can encourage physical activity

Sounds contradictory? Well, that depends on what games your kids choose to play and for how long. In recent years, there has been a rise in video games, such as Pokémon Go, Wii Fit, Ring Fit Adventure and Fitness Boxing, that promote physical activity.

  • Social interaction & stress-busting

Online games, such as Fortnite and Fall Guys, are played with friends and improve team-building skills. Spending time with friends, even if via a virtual gaming session, can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Similarly, gaming is a stress reliever, and can reduce headaches and can lower the risk of insomnia.

  • Improves hand-eye coordination

Have you been watching the Olympics and marvelling at the quick reflexes of Hong Kong athletes, particularly in badminton and table tennis? I bet they’d make excellent gamers! Many action games require quick reactions and amazing hand-eye coordination.

  • Gaming can be mentally stimulating

Gaming has often been blamed for turning us kids into zombies (and not without cause), but in truth, games such as Portal 2 and Uncharted involve plenty of problem-solving tasks that could encourage analytical thinking. Children who suffer from attention-deficit disorders are often encouraged to try online games which can improve focus levels.

So keep an open mind and learn about the games your kids enjoy before making an informed decision.

Read More: 24 Urban Slang Words Every Mama Should Know In 2024

5 Popular Games That Kids Are Playing In 2024: From Minecraft to Fortnite, Valorant and more

While parents may like to wish it away, the fact is gaming is here to stay. Gaming has become a significant cultural phenomenon, with competitive e-sports events drawing massive audiences and gaming conventions gathering enthusiasts from around the globe. Also, becoming gamers or game developers is a lucrative and much sought-after career option.

So why not embrace the phenomenon and get to know what your child is playing? It could also be a bonding opportunity as your children could teach you to play their favourite game. The list of the most popular games that children play keeps changing every year. Here’s a list of the five most trending and popular games children are playing today. A word of caution – try to do your own research as no one knows your child better than you do. While some ratings will claim that a particular game is appropriate for a teen, you might feel your child isn’t ready yet. Refer to parent ratings on Common Sense Media or the Entertainment Software Review Board (ESRB). We’ve listed some of the recommended ages and potential risks mentioned on these sites to help you decide.

popular games for kids minecraft gaming


Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a blocky, 3D world, crafting tools and building structures as they go. With limitless possibilities for creativity and exploration, players can mine resources and construct elaborate structures; from simple homes to entire cities. The game offers various modes, including Survival, where players must gather resources and fend off enemies, and Creative, which provides unlimited resources for building. With its open-ended gameplay and vibrant community, Minecraft has become one of the best-selling video games of all time, appealing to players of all ages.

Ideal age for Minecraft: 8 years and up

Potential risks with Minecraft: Because players can create whatever they imagine, they could create offensive content that younger players stumble upon.

Learn more about Minecraft here.

popular games for kids fortnite gaming


Fortnite is a popular online multiplayer game where up to 100 players fight to be the last one standing on an ever-shrinking island. Known for its colourful graphics, fast-paced gameplay and unique building mechanics, Fortnite has become a cultural phenomenon since its release. Players can team up with friends or go solo, scavenging for weapons, resources and power-ups while battling opponents and avoiding the encroaching storm. With regular updates, limited-time events and a vibrant community, Fortnite offers endless excitement and competitive action for players of all skill levels.

Ideal age for Fortnite: 13 years and up

Potential risks with Fortnite: The violence isn’t particularly gory and is more cartoonish, but you are, after all, using weapons and firearms to eliminate opponents. Besides, the game encourages players to make in-game purchases so keep a watch on your wallet!

Learn more about Fortnite here.

popular games for kids valorant gaming


Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter game developed and published by Riot Games. Set in a near-future earth, players assume the roles of ‘agents’, each with unique abilities as they compete in 5v5 matches. Combining precise gunplay with strategic abilities, Valorant emphasises teamwork, communication and precise execution and has quickly become a popular title in the esports scene.

Ideal age for Valorant: 14 years and up

Potential risks with Valorant: Mild profanity in the dialogues and in-chat feature

Learn more about Valorant here.

popular games for kids league of legends gaming

League Of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. In League of Legends, players assume the roles of powerful champions with unique abilities, competing in teams to destroy the opposing team’s base while defending their own. Matches take place on a variety of maps, with gameplay focusing on strategic decision-making, teamwork, and individual skill. With a vast roster of champions, regular updates and a thriving esports scene, League of Legends attracts millions of players globally.

Ideal age for League of Legends: 14 years and up

Potential risks with League of Legends: Mild violence and suggestive themes

Learn more about League of Legends here.

popular games for kids apex legends gaming

Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It features fast-paced, squad-based gameplay where teams of three players compete against each other on a constantly shrinking map. Players choose from a diverse roster of characters, each with unique abilities and playstyles, known as ‘Legends’. With its emphasis on teamwork, communication, and strategic decision-making, Apex Legends has gained popularity for its dynamic gameplay, diversity in characters and regular updates.

Ideal age for Apex Legends: 14 years and up

Potential risks with Apex Legends: Be warned that this game has blood-splatter effects, realistic gunfire and large explosions.

Learn more about Apex Legends here.

Read More: Hong Kong Coding – Kids’ Coding & Robotics Classes, STEM Courses And More


The post Learn Something New, Mamas: Understand Your Kids’ Fascination With Gaming appeared first on Sassy Mama.

The Chat: Age Appropriate Sex Education Advice And Resources Wed, 18 Oct 2023 22:00:13 +0000 Ensuring your kids have a quality sex education is vital for their wellbeing. It’s not an easy topic to tackle, but here’s where to start your birds and the bees chat. The evidence is in, according to the World Health Organisation, “high-quality sexuality education delivers positive health outcomes, with lifelong impacts.” Kids who receive quality, […]

The post The Chat: Age Appropriate Sex Education Advice And Resources appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Ensuring your kids have a quality sex education is vital for their wellbeing. It’s not an easy topic to tackle, but here’s where to start your birds and the bees chat.

The evidence is in, according to the World Health Organisation, “high-quality sexuality education delivers positive health outcomes, with lifelong impacts.” Kids who receive quality, age-appropriate sex education are more likely to delay exploring their sexuality, and more importantly;

“when they do start having sex, it is safer when they are better informed about their sexuality, sexual health and their rights.”

That’s all well and good, but talking to your child or teenager about the birds and the bees is no easy task – even for the most relaxed and open-minded parent.

Read More: How To Prevent And Recognise Child Sexual Abuse

sex education hong kong teens

The Importance Of Sex Education In Hong Kong

Chances are you already know that you need to start having open conversations with your kids. While schools do the best they can, research suggests it isn’t enough, so the conversations need to also happen at home.

It might be tempting to put off talking about the inevitable, “where do babies come from,” until they are older, by that time they may have created their own patchwork of fact and myth about sex.

Sassy Mama Tip: The point about talking to children and teens about sex is to help them make informed and healthy choices when the time comes, not just with regards to sexual health but also in the way they view relationships.

Read More: Raising Resilient Hong Kong Kids By Teaching Them Happiness

sex education hong kong young kids

Sex Education For Toddlers And Kids Under 6

Many children are introduced to sex education when they see pregnant women in their world. It could be a teacher or caregiver, or even a parent as they expect a younger sibling. Faced with a pregnant belly, young children will be interested in how they came into this world.

“They are really trying to make sense of how they belong in their family.”

At this age, young children become increasingly aware of their bodies and the differences between boys and girls. Young children are also aware that parents share a bed and will have seen them share some physical affection. Given that young children are noticing all of these things, it would be appropriate to meet their curiosity. Fill that need for information by talking to them about bodies and where babies come from in an age-appropriate way.

Sassy Mama Tips:

  • Use age appropriate language and avoid misunderstandings. For example, if your young child’s word for penis is “pi-pi”, though it might also be the word for going to the toilet, it might sound confusing if daddy puts his “pi-pi” into mummy to make a baby! So keep their vocabulary and understanding in mind while explaining anything.
  • While children do need to learn the correct term for parts of the anatomy, parents naturally use words that feel more comfortable when their children are small. So for example, semen might be described as a “seed”. Children’s books (see below for a list of resources) that explain the facts of life to children at this age might be a helpful source of information for you and your child to look at together.

Sex Education Books For Young Kids

Here are a selection of books specifically designed for young kids. Whether you’re looking for help explaining body parts, where babies come from or the mechanics and science of it all. There are even some beautiful books that discuss pregnancy loss and rainbow babies for parents having trouble finding the words for their little ones.

sex education where do babies come from sex education its not the stork sex education what makes a baby sex education what's in there sex education before you were born sex education something's happened sex education a rainbow baby story

Read More: How To Understand And Cope With Pregnancy Loss

sex education hong kong primary school

Sex Education For Primary School Kids

When children are of primary school age, their level of interest in sexual matters can vary. Their ability to vocalise their curiosity may depend on the family’s attitude towards sex. At this age, they may continue to be interested in differences between the sexes (for example, wanting to know about puberty and periods), but they might also have a greater awareness of romantic relationships. At this age, they will be learning that these can take place between same-sex as well as opposite-sex couples. Remain open and honest with your child and try not to shy away from any questions they might have.

Sex Education Books For Primary School Kids

At this age kids are better able to understand more details. There are books here covering everything from body parts to intercourse, and all the different ways a family can be made.

sex education where willy went sex education where did i come from sex education making a baby sex education baby tree sex education amazing you sex education birds and the bees sex education it's perfectly normal

Read More: What It’s Like To Raise A Child In A Same Sex Family

sex education hong kong

Talking To Tweens And Teens About Sex

Most young adolescents learn about puberty and reproduction at school or in the media (the internet, films, books or TV) and friends are also sources of (mis)information. When puberty hits, hormones rage and an interest in all things sex develops. Adolescents may start masturbating.

As adolescents become more adept at romantic relationships, they become increasingly sexually active. In adolescence, the individual’s gender and sexual identity continue to develop particularly in the context of their peer group. Teens start to feel more sure of their sexual orientation and can be particularly vulnerable to mental health issues when their sexual orientation isn’t accepted within their family and social circles.

“It may be the hardest time to begin talking to your teen about sex if you haven’t started earlier.”

Apart from the embarrassment factor, adolescents become more independent and rely less and less on parents for information and emotional support, turning to their peers for both. So learning from an early age that it is ok to talk about sex with your parents is very important. Perhaps the biggest role a parent can take at this stage is in helping to dispel myths about sex such as how to avoid getting pregnant and STDs.

As with all aspects of a teenager’s life, part of the growing up process is to learn about taking responsibility for yourself. Whilst adolescents may be able to take the necessary physical precautions, they need to learn from you that sex is only one part of real relationships and that emotional responsibility in relationships is of equal, if not greater, importance.

Despite their eagerness to move away from you, teenagers need to have a sense that you will still be there for them no matter what in their chaotic and ever-changing lives.

Sex Education Books For Teens

Your teens need facts and to be spoken to on their level. We love that these books don’t beat around the bush, and cover everything from sexuality and gender identity to conversations around consent. There’s even a book of true stories about losing your virginity.

sex the all you need to know guide sex education consent sex education ready for it sex education the V-word sex education the pride guide sex education doing it

Read More: How To Get Birth Control In Hong Kong — Contraceptive Pill, IUD And Morning After Pill

sex education hong kong

Do’s And Don’ts For Talking To Your Kids About Sex

While each family is different there are common threads that you can weave in order to talk to children about sex in a way that works for everyone involved.

Timing Your Sex Education

Do — Try to be open to talking about issues as and when they arise, for example when your child raises a question out of curiosity. If it’s not an appropriate time and place, come back to it later in the day when you have a moment alone with your child or teen.

Don’t — Book in an excruciating “facts of life” chat. The anxiety and embarrassment of such a setup is unlikely to help your child or teen understand the information you are trying to convey.

Keeping Your Cool

Do — Answer in a relaxed and comfortable way. If you are very anxious, buy yourself some time to talk to friends or your partner and think about or rehearse what you are going to say. It may be difficult to be completely relaxed at first but it will get easier with practice.

Don’t — Baulk at the question. It’s ok to react with surprise but take a moment to consider it from their (innocent) perspective and think about what they need to know and why they are asking.

Sassy Mama Tip: Remember your child picks up on the way you say things as well as what you say. Your anxiety might convey that talking about sex, or even sex itself, is something to feel frightened or embarrassed about.

What To Say When You Talk To Your Kids About Sex

Do — Keep it short, sweet and simple. Try to answer the question that has been asked directly, without getting too far off track. You can check in with them what they mean and ask how much they already know. Then tailor your answer according to their needs.

Don’t — Overwhelm your kids with too much information (which may come from your own nerves!).

Leave The Door Open For Further Discussion

Do — Let them know that you value them asking questions, and that they can always come to you.

Do — Be approachable and encouraging with them from a young age. This will help them grow up with trust and the ability to confide in you when there are problems.

sex education hong kong queer support for teens

More Sex Education Resources For Parents

Finally, if you’re looking for more specific sex education advice, these parenting books are a great place to start.

sex education sex positive talks to have with kids sex education talk to me first sex education explaining sex

Editor’s note: This article was most recently updated in October 2023. Thanks to Liz Fletcher, Roxanne Dowell and Alex Purcell Garcia for their contributions. 

The post The Chat: Age Appropriate Sex Education Advice And Resources appeared first on Sassy Mama.
