Broaden young ones’ horizons by helping to inform their world views. Have age-appropriate conversations about world events and broach scary news topics with reassurance.
Relentless rain is common in the tropics, and it can lead to another kind of downpour – the questions our kids throw at us! “What are landslides?”, “Does Hong Kong have tornadoes?” “Is this much rain happening because of climate change?” While answering kids honestly is important, you may find yourself discussing natural disasters, man-made calamities, and even world events, such as war and politics much earlier than you imagined.
Our children are naturally curious and while we always encourage their inquisitiveness in the classrooms, when it comes to world events and scary news, we wish to shield them so they can retain their innocence for as long as possible. But difficult topics arise everywhere – in the classroom, on the playground and even while watching the Olympics (questions on refugee teams and individual neutral athletes). Your child will want to know what is happening in the world, even if the news is not always pleasant. With diseases, trade wars and divisive events taking place globally, how can you raise your children to ensure they become mature, balanced and well-informed young adults?
Read More: Raising Resilient Hong Kong Kids By Teaching Them Happiness
What If The News Is Scary Or Disturbing?
It’s always best that children get their news and views from the parents or the best-informed source. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing and if we are not talking to our children about the scary world out there, they could get information from kids their age who know just as little.
Scary news could be natural and man-made disasters, from typhoons and tornadoes to wild fires and landslides. It could also be riots and racial attacks, wars and incursions. Sometimes, talking about these events is also a chance for you to do a bit of research yourself on the protocols if such incidents were to happen. It’s one of the reasons that schools have fire drills so regularly – to ensure that teachers are well-equipped to lead the kids to safety in a calm manner. It’s also the reason every Hong Kong newbie reads up on typhoons to better understand the warning signs and safety precautions.
News doesn’t always have to be scary to be disturbing. The death of a favourite singer, actor or sports person can also be traumatic. No matter how shocking the news, it is best to be open and honest in your conversation with your child and not shy away from speaking about diseases, mental health and more.
Some ways to reassure your child would be:
- Never brush away concerns. Even if your child has not grasped the news correctly and seems worried about something implausible, be patient.
- Be open and honest in your discussions about news and world events, but always filter the news to deliver it in the most age-appropriate way. Once your kids are independent enough to read and consume news on their own, you should continue the practice of discussing it to see what they have really understood.
- Explain that Hong Kong is a safe city and realistically, the chances of such events happening are rare. However, it is an expat city so make them aware of those around them whom it could affect (cyclones in the Philippines could affect our helpers, friends in the classroom could have grandparents in riot-affected areas, etc.)
- Encourage your kids to do their bit to help. This could be anything from donating pocket money, to organising a clothes collection drive to volunteering with charity organisations in Hong Kong.
Read More: Family Volunteering – Teaching Kids To Give Back To Society
If It Doesn’t Affect Hong Kong, Why Talk To Children About World Events?
We don’t live in a bubble and can’t afford to be removed from what is happening around us. Local and world events can take their toll on the economy, as well as on the safety and standard of those living in the country involved, and those who maintain political or economic (maybe even emotional) ties to it. Not to mention the global energy and environmental crises also have a far-reaching impact and are capable of harming plant, animal and human life.
If you think about it purely from a child’s educational standpoint, knowledge of current affairs is always required at higher levels and could be a prerequisite for entry into certain universities and streams, in addition to having an informed opinion about world affairs. Your child’s opinion will determine his or her actions, interests and career choices. Every opinion, however differing from yours, is important and worthy of respect.
Read More: Kids Who Care – Teenagers Making A Difference In The Community
Raising Informed Children: Discuss And Debate World Events
We have moved away from reading newspapers and watching news broadcasts to consuming media on our handheld devices, and therefore our kids may not be as aware of our viewing habits. Make it a point to discuss world events and debate their impact on all parties involved. It develops understanding, the ability to both listen and speak effectively, argue a point coherently and take a stand – all things that contribute to their EQ and IQ.
Purchasing a newspaper subscription could be a good way to get your children into the habit of consuming news, or perhaps children’s newspapers and digital publications. You could also play your favourite news podcast while they are getting ready for school.
Read More: Best Podcasts For Kids – Children’s Stories, Science, History And More
Raising Informed Children: Fact Check News
In a world where social media and news is so readily available, it is easy to come across unsubstantiated sources. As parents, it’s important to verify forwards received and click-bait links. Some countries have fact-checking websites (these are especially good in the US with the Pulitzer Prize-winning PolitiFact, FactCheck and Science Feedback), which are helpful if you can verify exactly what you are looking for.
A good rule of thumb is to see how many well-known publications report an event and where they source their information. Keep in mind that even reputed media organisations have their biases. While it’s tempting to look for news that mirrors your beliefs, try to be open minded and hear the other side.
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Raising Informed Children: Respect All Opinions
Make an effort to consider a contrary point of view– it shows respect which children will learn to model. Today’s fragmented world is increasingly divided with opposing political ideologies and economic standpoints; each side dismissive of the other and its supporters without taking their (often genuine) concerns into consideration. This leads to an even wider gap between opposing sides, and shock and anger when the outcomes of an election, referendum or national policy is unexpected. The more you teach your children to accept and understand other points of view, while staying true to their own, the more likely they are to grow up to be emotionally stable and rational adults.
Similarly, it may be tough for parents to accept that your children may not share your point of view. It’s true of every generation and chances are that you’ve taken a different stand to your own parents on many issues. Our views, and those of others, are shaped by life experiences so it would be impossible to find two people who are exactly the same, especially when it comes to politics, things are rarely black and white!
Read More: Parenting Teenagers – How To Talk To And Understand Your Teens
Raising Informed Children: Teach Them About History
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Almost everything happening in the world around us has happened before over the years. Similar events may even be happening at the same time in other parts of the world. Young people (especially teenagers) tend to be very influenced by their peers, and often believe that no one else can quite understand what they are going through. Showing them examples of how other conflicts in the world are being resolved will give them a sense of perspective. You may even find it encourages their interest in becoming a teacher, journalist, conservationist or bureaucrat. Expose your children to current affairs, balance their opinions with different sides of the story, and ground them with history. After all, the future lies with them.
Read More: Can Your 7-Year-Old Teach You To Manage Money? Financial Literacy In Kids Is On The Rise
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in September 2019 and recently updated in August 2024.