The all-new English and Tagalog cookbook
It’s a well known fact that parents juggle a million things on a daily basis, so if you’re looking to make the cooking part of your day a whole lot easier, we’ve got a solution that may just do the trick. Your Outsourced Kitchen is a collection of delicious and healthy recipes that have been simply explained.
We all know Domestic Helpers are a huge support to busy parents, and Sassy Mama is all about celebrating the wonderful contributions these women make in Hong Kong. The best bit about this cookbook? It’s translated into Tagalog, so if your helper is assisting with the cooking, nothing gets lots in translation, ensuring only the cleanest, healthiest ingredients are used. Whether you’re looking for nutritious meals to eat at home or quick and convenient meals to take to lunch, this recipe book is an ideal way to get the job done.
One of the other things that really differentiates this from other books on the market is the Hong Kong focus. Several leading restaurants, fitness gurus and chefs in the 852 have contributed their recipes to this book, including some of our favourites like Jinjuu, The Flexible Chef, Grassroots Pantry, Genie Juicery, Bombay Dreams, The Sesame Kitchen, Love True Food and Elle Kealy. Each recipe is clear and to the point, introducing healthy and lean cooking to your helper. The book also boasts a menu planning section for all those days when you really don’t have the time to think about what’s for dinner (more often than not!)…
This unique Hong Kong based cookbook was written by a mum of three, catering to all the busy parents in this city who are striving to eat healthy and clean. Ideal for gifting to fellow parents! Plus, this really is a gift that keeps on giving, as a percentage of the proceeds of the book go to the Cambodian Children’s Fund!
Your Outsourced Kitchen can be ordered online for the special promotional price of $300 ($320 including shipping)
at www.youroutsourcedkitchen.com and www.foodcraft.hk – and will soon be sold in several larger retail shops around Hong Kong.