Woodsman Mustache Wax

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Well its already January, and those pencil-thin mustaches from No-Shave November should now be full blown man-staches, unless your wife has already shaved it while you were sleeping. January also means more of that cold, dry air that can wreak havoc on your mustache masterpiece. Woodsman Mustache Wax will help keep your Mo looking stylish and healthy by maintaining a strong hold while also acting as a conditioner. It is crafted from petroleum free ingredients including Beeswax, Lanolin, cocoa butter, and jojoba oil—while its Texas Cedarwood, Sandalwood, and Pine Needle scents offer a breath of fresh air to those around you. Take responsibility for your mustache, and give it the care it deserves. Ditch the dollar store wax and opt for Woodsman instead.
Woodsman Mustache Wax $12+

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