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Guidepost Summer Camps For Kids Who Love To Travel And Explore

guidepost summer camps
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Want to enrol your child in a summer camp but don’t know how to plan your holidays around it? Guidepost is offering summer camps across Asia, and the best part is that your child can seamlessly join an overseas summer camp while on vacation!

Come summer, most parents are scrambling to get their kids enrolled in a suitable summer camp before they get filled up. Sometimes, we pick a camp, not because it’s the most suitable but because it’s the only one that fits in with our travel schedules. That’s why Guidepost’s summer camps all over Asia can be a blessing for families that love to travel and also want to keep their kids happily engaged over the summer. These camps offer purposeful and fun activities designed to grow your child’s creativity and create memories to last a lifetime.

Guidepost holds regional summer camps at its campuses across Asia – in Hong Kong, Bali, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. Suitable for kids from 6 months to 12 years, each of these camps has unique themes. Your child could do the first two weeks in Hong Kong and then jet off with the rest of the family to Bali, Beijing or Guangzhou and do the third week of summer camp there! The theme at each campus is different, but all of them adhere to the Montessori principles of education.

guidepost summer camps at bali

Guidepost Summer Camps Across Hong Kong, Bali And China

At the “Around The World” summer camp in Hong Kong, your child aged 6 months to 12 years will learn about the different continents, history, geography, traditions, and natural marvels in the world. You can expect your kids to learn and benefit from a holistic and immersive dual-language learning experience.

The “Bali Adventure” camp offers a unique blend of adventure, culture and natural beauty for children aged 3 to 6 years(did we mention that the Guidepost campus is within the pristine Ayana Bali Estate?). Guidepost hopes to spark a love for nature in children, while also fostering personal growth and creating a deep connection with Bali.

The Guidepost summer camps across China, in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai, will have your young learners aged 1.5 to 6 years immersed in a native Mandarin environment, led by trained Montessori guides. After a day of camp, let the kids show off what they’ve learnt by exploring the city and serving as your translators!

guidepost summer camps hk asia

Expand Your Child’s Horizons With Guidepost Summer Camps

Following the Montessori methods, all camps will allow for self-initiated as well as peer work. This nurtures your child’s curiosity and creativity, and promotes cultural diversity and exploration. With its cross-border setting and themes, you will be pleased to find that the Guidepost summer camps can help broaden your child’s horizons and passion for learning.

Ready to hop on a summer adventure with your child? Register for the Guidepost Summer Camps now!

Sassy Mama Tip: Get 10% off when you enrol before Friday, 5 April 2024. You can also get 5% off when you sign up for three or more weeks (different weeks can be in different locations).

What: Guidepost Summer Camps
Where: Guidepost locations in Hong Kong, Bali, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai
Contact: 9126 6211, [email protected]

Guidepost, various locations in Hong Kong,

  This article is in paid partnership with Guidepost. All images are courtesy of Guidepost. 

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