Check out these simple Easter crafts! Mamas might have just as much fun as the kids.
By the time it’s Easter, both parents and kids in Hong Kong are ready for a break. Whenever work and schooling stress strikes, the only way to keep your sanity is to do things that make you happy. In our house, our only solace is indulging in arts and crafts. These are some of the Easter crafts we did this year over the weekends to keep up our spirits and get into the festive mood.
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Paper Roosters
I wanted to start with a simple activity to keep my 6-year-old daughter interested and confident about making something from start to finish on her own. We began with paper roosters. She could copy Mama easily (though she cut a rather small rooster shape!).
What you will need: Yellow paper, red paper (we didn’t have any, so we improvised and coloured white paper with red oil pastels and cut it in the shape we needed), googly eyes (if you don’t have any, you can also draw eyes on white paper and cut them), glue and scissors.
- Start by drawing the following on the yellow paper. It’s pretty basic drawing, so don’t fret! You need to draw a quarter-circle that will be rolled into a cone (for the body of the rooster), two feet, two wings, two strips for the legs, red dots for the body and a red crown.
- Cut the shapes and start assembling your rooster by sticking them together. We were inspired by Pinterest for this activity.
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Paper Bunnies
As the rooster worked wonderfully, we decided to stick with paper. Our next activity was paper bunnies. While the activity itself was pretty simple, it needed her to focus and be gentle so the bunny wouldn’t lose shape.
What you will need: I had some coloured A4 size paper at home. We picked pastel shades to make our Easter bunnies but feel free to make it with white paper. You will also need googly eyes and a small piece of white paper for the buckteeth.
- Cut about eight strips of paper (half an inch wide) across the length of an A4 size sheet.
- Once you have your strips ready, start to stick them in a plus sign and then diagonally. The first four strips will form the body of the bunny.
- Snip off about an inch from the next four strips of paper to make them slightly shorter. Follow the same method to make the head. Before you stick the body and the head together, I suggest you stick the bunny ears, googly eyes and the nose and bunny teeth onto the head.
- Isha decided to improvise and we added feet to the bunny, which is missing from the original design.
- Stick it all together and you have yourself your Easter Bunny.
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Thread Bunnies
I previously ran a successful business making handmade quiet books. Isha has seen her mum with her sewing machine, needle and thread right from when she was 18 months old. It’s no surprise that she’s been interested in trying it out too. I’m not willing to risk giving her a needle and thread yet, but I gave her a taste of sewing through this Thread Bunny Easter craft activity with colourful shoelaces.
What you will need: Orange, white and green paper, a compass to draw perfect circles (though we didn’t have one so we stuck to freehand ones), googly eyes, needle, thread/a thin shoelace, pencil, eraser, beads and a pair of scissors.
- Draw circles of different sizes (about 12 to 15 circles), cut them and organise them from largest to smallest in size.
- Make a knot at the end of the thread/shoelace.
- Make a hole in the middle of the biggest circle and pass the thread/shoelace through and take it all the way till the knot.
- Start alternating with a bead with the pattern being large circle-bead-smaller circle-bead.
- Once all the circles are used, add 5 to 7 beads together and then finally knot at the other end of the shoelace.
- Finally, draw a bunny face and stick it on the thread.
- Voila! Your thread bunny is ready to be hung as decoration in your house as Easter approaches.
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Sock Bunnies
Making bunnies is always a favourite Easter craft. This is another way to make them and recycle old or single socks in the house (have you ever been able to solve the mystery of the missing sock!).
What you will need: An old sock, thread/ribbon, googly eyes, beads, Elmer’s glue/glue gun and a bowl of rice.
- Fill the sock with rice and leave about 1 to 1.5 inches on the top for the ears.
- Tie a thread or ribbon to divide the body of the rabbit into two halves.
- Tie the thread or ribbon at the top to mark out the portion for the bunny ears. We didn’t cut the sock but you could cut the top and divide it into two bunny ears.
- The glue gun would work best on the sock but if not available feel free to use Elmer’s too to stick the googly eyes, beads for buttons and decorate your bunny as you would like it. I took a shortcut and drew the whiskers. However, feel free to go creative like Isha and make whiskers out of thread too. Check this link for more detailed instructions.
Read more: Where To Get Children’s Art And Craft Supplies In Hong Kong
Egg Planters
And finally, our simplest but most exciting activity was making “Egg-Planters”. In all honesty, Isha’s contribution to this was minimal but it was fun for her to look at how the beans she planted were growing. You would need to plan this activity in advance as beans take a few days to sprout.
What you will need: Eggshells that have been opened from the top, googly eyes, red pen or crayon, cotton, thread or ribbon, glue and beans (to plant)
- Ask an adult to crack the eggs only from the top and use it for their morning breakfast. Clean the eggs from inside thoroughly.
- Put some cotton followed by some beans, such as kidney beans. Cover them with more cotton soaked thoroughly with water.
- Be patient and “water the eggs” every day and in a few days, you will notice the beans have begun to sprout.
- Once they start growing, feel free to decorate the eggs with googly eyes, lips and tie a ribbon or thread on your beans.
Happy Easter everyone! Stay safe and healthy through these tough times!
Editor’s note: This article was originally published in April 2020 and updated in April 2022
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