Parenting - Sassy Mama Hong Kong - 1 Hong Kong Tue, 11 Feb 2025 08:01:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Parenting - Sassy Mama Hong Kong - 1 32 32 New Dad Survival Guide: Taking Care Of Your Partner And Yourself Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:00:48 +0000 A mama taking care of a newborn baby is a tired mama. Want to help her out? Here are a few suggestions from a fellow dad. “I think my water broke,” she says. You take a few seconds to get over the initial shock before switching to autopilot. You rush Mama to the hospital just […]

The post New Dad Survival Guide: Taking Care Of Your Partner And Yourself appeared first on Sassy Mama.

A mama taking care of a newborn baby is a tired mama. Want to help
her out? Here are a few suggestions from a fellow dad.

“I think my water broke,” she says. You take a few seconds to get over the initial shock before switching to autopilot. You rush Mama to the hospital just as rehearsed. Now, you’re pacing around in circles outside the operating room, watching the seconds tick away on the clock. Or, maybe you’re inside the operating room, palms sweaty, witnessing the miracle of childbirth. And then it happens. Congratulations! You’re officially a dad! 

You hold your bundle of joy in your arms for the first time, thinking “I’m going to love you with every fibre of my being.” Everything after that was a bit of a blur. A couple of days later, you’re back home, drowning in dirty nappies and fumbling with baby formula. It’s a lot. And, your thoughts are consumed with the well-being of this tiny, defenseless human. 

But what about the other most important person in your life? I’m talking about Mama. She just went through the beautiful, but also incredibly challenging and slightly insane process of childbirth. Between postpartum recovery, hormones and mental health, it’s a lot for anyone experience. It’s time to step up. So, here are a few tips from a fellow dad to help smooth the process.

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Food For Thought

Remember that old adage “You are what you eat”? Our food intake fuels our daily activities, and this is especially important when those activities include caring for a baby and breastfeeding. Do you cook or does someone else at home? Either way, make sure that Mama’s diet is filled up with healthy sources of:

  • Protein (chicken, fish, lean pork and beef) and Fruit (oranges, strawberries, and kiwis are loaded with Vitamin C)
  • Vegetables (especially leafy greens)
  • Fibre-rich carbs (brown rice and sweet potatoes are great)
  • Healthy fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, and full-fat yoghurt)

If you subscribe to the tenets of traditional Chinese medicine, consider incorporating ginger and garlic into Mama’s diet. These are known for their anti-inflammatory properties that can help boost Mama’s immune system. 

Above all, make sure to keep Mama hydrated. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends at least three litres of water per day for breastfeeding Mamas!

Read More: Top Nutritionists In Hong Kong To Feel Good Inside Out

A special note on breastfeeding

The nutrients in breast milk are derived from what is passed into the blood. So, there are some foods to avoid if Mama is breastfeeding. Mercury for example, can adversely affect your baby’s brain and nervous system development. Avoid high-mercury seafood such as tuna, marlin or swordfish, and opt for salmon, cod or halibut instead.

Caffeine passes into breastmilk as well. While the amount passed is miniscule, it might still affect the baby (and we want our babies to get plenty of sleep)! The CDC recommends sticking to 300 milligrams or less per day. Alcohol is a no-no, but if it can’t be avoided, the CDC recommends no more than one drink per day and waiting at least two hours after consumption before breastfeeding. 

Read More: All About Breastfeeding In Hong Kong

Hormones, sleep and recalibration

Pregnancy hormones are no joke. The body recalibrates after childbirth, but this doesn’t happen overnight. The best way to speed up the process is to make sure Mama gets plenty of sleep! I’m sorry fellow dads, but you’re going to have to take the night shift (or at least most of them). Feed that baby, change that diaper, and get that baby back to bed. 

Sure, you’ll be tired as heck in the morning — but look at it this way — it’s a rare opportunity for you to bond with your child one-on-one. Exclusive access. Doesn’t matter if you’re not the karaoke type, go ahead and sing to your little one (lullabies, no death metal please). I promise you; your baby will love it no manner how many times you whip out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 

Read More: Kids’ Sleep — How Much Sleep Children Need And Why

new dad survival guide in hong kong

Show some love

Taking care of a newborn baby is a lot of work, and it’s so easy to get tangled up in the chaos. There’s a ticking time bomb in the next room. The baby might be sleeping now, but there are about a billion reasons why they might wake up at any moment. You and your partner are anxious, stressed, and sleep-deprived. Sometimes you might even forget to talk to each other. 

Don’t worry. The baby will be fine. After all, you and Mama are doing your best! But, it’s also important to look after yourselves. Leave her a note saying how much you appreciate her. Whisper sweet nothings into her ear. I’m not suggesting you act like teenagers on a camping trip, but it can be tough for anyone to admit that they’re feeling low when they expect to be happy. So, take a breather, and take a moment to remind each other that you’re in this together. 

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Friday night, six-thirty, Italian?

If you have the luxury of offloading your little one to a trusted family member, seize that opportunity (every once in a while)! Grandma can handle the baby for a couple of hours. Take Mama out on a date. You could both use the chance to relax and de-stress. Take a leisurely stroll along Victoria Harbour. Make a reservation at her favourite restaurant. Sit down and just talk. Talk about nothing and talk about everything. Or, talk about the baby. How the baby drives both of you crazy, and that you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Read More: Romantic Restaurants In Hong Kong — Ideas For Your Next Date Night

The joy of giving

Nothing says “thank you” like a thoughtful gift, but it doesn’t always have to be a material one (although they could be nice, too). I’m talking about the very exciting gift of doing household chores. Not that you don’t normally split the load, but if there was ever a time to take up your partner’s share, this is it. There are countless baby bottles in the sink and piles of laundry in the basket. Someone’s got to do it! Maybe do a bit of vacuuming while you’re at it. This isn’t just about tidying up. It’s about creating serenity. A tranquil space for you, Mama, and your little one to find solace and thrive. 

And, if you’re also interested in gifting something material, maybe consider a spa package or a luxurious push present. Nothing like a nice postpartum retreat to get the body refreshed and rejuvenated!

Read More: Best Post-Birth Retreats In Hong Kong

The post New Dad Survival Guide: Taking Care Of Your Partner And Yourself appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Guide To Baby Passport Applications In Hong Kong Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:00:10 +0000 Applying for a passport for your newborn baby in Hong Kong can feel like braving the MTR at rush hour, but have no fear Sassy Mamas — we have it sorted! We’ve done the research and included useful links to help you more easily navigate the process. While getting your newborn a passport may seem […]

The post Guide To Baby Passport Applications In Hong Kong appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Applying for a passport for your newborn baby in Hong Kong can feel like braving the MTR at rush hour, but have no fear Sassy Mamas — we have it sorted! We’ve done the research and included useful links to help you more easily navigate the process.

While getting your newborn a passport may seem daunting, in reality, it’s quite easy for passports for most countries in the world. What is essential is getting all documents and paperwork in order (births in Hong Kong have to be registered within 42 days of delivery). Sit back and relax as we help you navigate through the process of applying for your newborn baby’s first passport in Hong Kong.

Sassy Mama Tip: There are a bunch of small photography shops on Wellington and Stanley Street in Central that will do baby passport photos. Most baby passport photo requirements include having a plain white or light background, so mums may consider bringing a white bed sheet to cover their hands while supporting a baby for the photo.

Here’s how to get a passport for your baby for the following countries:

how to get a passport for your baby in hong kong: newborn hong kong passports

Hong Kong

The Hong Kong government wins on accessibility and ease of baby passport application. To apply in person (with original documents), you can make an appointment online or by phone 2598 0888. You can also apply by post or drop-in (with photocopied documents), but this may extend the process by two to three working days. Within 14 working days, you can collect your baby’s passport at any of the seven locations, or even designate a representative to pick it up using a signed authorisation (ID 678).

Is my child eligible for a Hong Kong passport?

If your child is a Chinese citizen, a permanent resident of the HKSAR and a holder of a valid Hong Kong permanent identity card (see these FAQs to learn more), then yes!

What do I need to apply for?

The only paperwork you’ll need is the simple two-page ID 842 form, found here. But if your child does not yet have their permanent identity card, an additional Acknowledgement of Application for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A) is needed.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

If your child already has a permanent identity card:

  • The completed ID 842 form
  • The child’s Hong Kong permanent identity card
  • One recent colour photograph on a white background (40mm width X 50mm height)
  • Consenting parent’s Hong Kong identity card or valid travel document
  • The child’s birth certificate with the consenting parent’s name, or a court order for proof of consenting legal guardian’s custodial rights
  • Application fee (HK$185 for 32 pages or $230 for 48 pages) to be paid via EPS, cash or credit.
  • One additional document with proof of identity or a Form for Countersignature (ID 641) with a copy of the countersigner’s identifying document

If your child does not yet have a Hong Kong permanent identity card:

  • The completed ID 842 form
  • Completed application form for a Hong Kong permanent identity card (ROP140/140A)
  • Document supporting the child’s right of abode (a Hong Kong birth certificate showing permanent residence status is sufficient)
  • The child’s birth certificate with the consenting parent’s name, or a court order for proof of consenting legal guardian’s custodial rights
  • Two identical recent colour photographs on a white background (40mm width X 50mm height)
  • Consenting parent’s Hong Kong identity card or valid travel document
  • Application fee
  • Plus one other document with proof of identity or a Form for Countersignature (ID 641) with a copy of the countersigner’s identifying document

Our local government certainly made this a pain-free process, and has even provided a condensed guide to filling out the forms here. Your tot will be a milk-tea-sipping, egg tart-gobbling child in no time!

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how to get a passport for your baby in hong kong: newborn australian passports


To obtain a baby passport from the land down under, you’ll need to visit the Australian Consulate-General in Wanchai to submit forms in person with your child. Luckily, there are convenient times for lodging applications, from Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm. In roughly six weeks, you can pick up the newly minted baby passport or have it delivered by mail.

Is my child eligible for an Australian passport?

If either parent or guardian is an Australian citizen, your child is eligible for an Australian passport. 

What do I need to apply for?

You’ll first need to apply for Australian Citizenship by descent (this takes around one month), and you’ll need your child’s original Hong Kong birth certificate in order to apply. After making an appointment at the Passports Office, you can fill out the form for Australian Passport Overseas Application online, and print out to be signed and dated. Alternatively, you can collect a paper copy at the Wanchai Passports Office.

To complete the passport application form, both parents with parental responsibility for the child must give consent on the form, and the consent signing must be witnessed. This can be done at the Consulate-General by appointment.

Each passport application must be supported by the child’s original Australian Citizenship Certificate or original full Australian Birth Certificate to prove Australian citizenship. Extracts, commemorative birth certificates or birth cards cannot be used.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Here’s a checklist for the necessary documents and forms when lodging your application:

  • The completed Application form
  • Application fee (HKD $1,461 for a five-year validity passport), not including any additional Consular Fees if needed. Only HKD is accepted, and this can be paid in cash or credit card. This fee is adjusted monthly, so be sure to check out the fee table before you go.
  • The child’s proof of Australian citizenship (see requirements above).
  • Your proof of citizenship, either your Australian passport (valid for two years or more) or your Australian Citizenship Certificate.
  • Original birth certificate (with the names of both parents) or a B-6 form if no birth certificate is available. If the birth certificate is not in English, a certified translation is required.
  • Two colour photographs (35-40mm width X 45-50mm height), with one signed as a true photograph by a guarantor (someone who possesses an Australian passport or employed in specific fields)

For further details, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has a super helpful Overseas Note for passport application.

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how to get a passport for your baby in hong kong: newborn canada passports


So you hail from the land of maple syrup and ice hockey? It’s relatively straightforward to get your child’s passport from the Consulate General’s office in Quarry Bay. You can mail in or drop-off your application, or make an appointment to present your documents in person. It takes around 20 working days to process an application, but you should allow five to six weeks in total to include mailing time.

Is my child eligible for a Canadian passport?

If either parent is a Canadian citizen before your child was born, then your child is eligible for a Canadian passport.

What do I need to apply for?

You’ll need to complete a passport application form online or on paper, as well as the following list of documents:

  • A completed Child Abroad General Passport Application Form (PPTC 042), signed by both parents or legal guardians (if applicable).
  • Proof of Canadian citizenship (e.g. a long-form birth certificate or citizenship certificate).
  • Proof of parentage or legal guardianship, and any documents related to custody or decision-making (if applicable).
  • Any valid Canadian passport or travel document issued in the child’s name.
  • Two identical Canadian passport photos, with one signed by a guarantor.
  • Payment receipt showing passport fees have been paid online.
  • If documents are not in English or French, an official translation is required.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Both parents must be present for the application process along with your child.

  • A fully completed application form
  • Two identical passport photos (50mm wide X 70mm high)one must be signed by a Guarantor (the ‘other’ applying parent can be your Guarantor)
  • Original or certified copies of required documents (see above)
  • Payment receipt for online fees.

You can find all the details along with the link to the online application process on the official website.

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how to get a passport for your baby in hong kong: newborn british passports uk citizen by descent

United Kingdom

The good news is that the entire British passport process is completed online without need for any appointments in person (interviews in special cases), the bad news is the whole process can take over eight weeks, so make sure you’re planning well ahead!

Is my child eligible for a British passport?

If you or your partner are British “not by descent”, meaning that someone was able to obtain British citizenship either on their own or were born in Britain, then your child will be able to become a British citizen “by descent”. You can learn more about your child’s eligibility on the government website.

What do I need to apply for?

A passport and a digital passport photo taken at home or at a photo shop (detailed guidelines are given during the online application process).

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Since everything is conveniently done online, you’ll only need a credit card. Some additional details to have on hand:

  • Passport numbers of both parents
  • A digital passport photo
  • A complete colour copy of any other current passports issued by other countries
  • Plus additional supporting documents that may need to be provided in this handy-dandy chart
  • A MasterCard/Visa/Visa Electron/Visa Debit card to pay a total of £85.36 online, which includes the passport fee (£65.50) and courier fee (£19.86).

You need to enter all this into the online passport application service website, and once the application is through you can continue to track your application online.

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France Passport getting your Baby a French Passport Newborn Passport


Is my child eligible for a French passport?

If at least one parent is a French national, your child is eligible for a French passport.

What do I need to apply for?

Applying for a French passport in Hong Kong can sometimes be tricky. It requires original documents and a complete set of photocopies and the consulate is often very crowded. So go through these details carefully to make sure you have everything you need before making an appointment online.

Along with the passport, you must apply for a request for transcription of the birth certificate (to be completed by the French parent). While requesting transcription, it is necessary to indicate any accents on the child’s first name.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

  • Your baby. All passport applications require the physical presence of the applicant, though you needn’t bring your child (under 12 years old) while picking up the passport.
  • One passport photo taken less than six months ago, refer to photo requirements here.
  • A transcribed copy of your baby’s Hong Kong birth certificate.
  • Proof of French nationality of at least one parent on the date of birth of the baby.
  • Passports of both parents with photocopies
  • French marriage certificate. If you have a foreign marriage certificate, it is advisable to request a transcription from the French consulate.
  • The parents’ family booklet with a photocopy of the marriage pag(if you are married); otherwise a full copy of each parent’s birth certificate.
  • A request for transcription of the birth certificate. You can download these forms here.

Read More: A French Mama Shares Her Secrets And Tips About French Parenting

how to get a Baby Passport where to get an Indian Newborn Passport in hong kong


Is my child eligible for an Indian passport?

If either you or your spouse is an Indian citizen, then your child is eligible. Note that Indians are not allowed dual citizenship, so this will be the only passport you will apply for.

What do I need to apply for?

If you are applying for an Indian passport for your newborn baby, you’ll have to first apply for the birth registration certificate online and declare that the child does not hold a passport from any other country.  Remember that passport and visa services have been outsourced to an external application centre, BLS. The application usually takes a month (20 working days).

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

  • An application form that has been filled in online and then printed out
  • You must bring your baby
  • An affidavit signed by both parents and attested by the Office of Oath Commissioner of Hong Kong/Macau.
  • Both parents must be present or a single parent with passport of both. You must also produce an affidavit if you are a single parent or if the other parent is not available for certain reasons (mentioned under para II). If a parent is unable to obtain the consent from the other parent for obtaining the passport for the child, another affidavit must be submitted along with supporting documents.
  • Original and self-attested photocopies of the first two and last pages of the parent(s)‘ passport(s).
  • Original and self-attested photocopies of the HKIDs/valid visas of the parent(s).
  • Three recent passport-size photographs (2 inch X 2 inch) with full face and ears visible and a white background
  • Original and self-attested photocopy of the baby’s birth certificate
  • Original and self-attested photocopy of the marriage certificate of parents.
  • In case one of the parents is a foreign national, a certificate from the Embassy/Consulate of the foreign country stating that the child has not been registered as its citizen and not been issued a passport OR a signed affidavit by the parents, attested by the Office of Oath Commissioner of Hong Kong.
  • An undertaking submitted by both parents declaring that they have not applied for foreign nationality for the baby.
  • Fees of $679 (including passport and birth registration fees)

Refer to the BLS International page for more details about applying for an Indian passport for newborn babies.

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how to get a passport for your baby in hong kong: newborn usa passports american citizen


Applying for an American passport requires just three simple steps. Make an appointment at the US Consulate in Hong Kong online for business hours, Monday through Friday.

Is my child eligible for an American passport?

If either you or your partner are American citizens, then your child is able to receive a US passport too.

What do I need to apply for?

You will need the Passport Form (DS-11 form) completed either online or by hand. Ignore the part of the form which asks you to mail, and rather, bring it with you to the Consulate once you’ve made an appointment online. For children born outside of the US, you also need to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA).

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

  • Your baby must be at the appointment
  • Both you and your spouse must be present, and bring your passports
  • Or, your passport and a copy of the other parent’s passport, along with a notarised form DS-3053 (Statement of Consent) signed by the absent parent
  • Your child’s birth certificate (original and official translation, if not in English) or any of the following: Consular Report of Birth (FS-240); Adoption Decree; Court Order establishing custody or guardianship; or an Official school or medical records showing both parents’ names, to be used a proof of parentage
  • A document proving US citizenship, which can be any of the following: a US birth certificate or CBRA; a US naturalisation certificate; or a certificate of citizenship (issued by USCIS)
  • A US passport-sized photo of your baby (2 inch X 2 inch or 5cm X 5cm) on a white background
  • USD$135 in cash (USD or HKD) or by credit card (USD only) to pay the application and execution fees.

For more details, check out the step-by-step guide here. Once these things are in order you’ll be ready to jet off with bubs! Bon voyage, mama!

The post Guide To Baby Passport Applications In Hong Kong appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Baby’s 100 Days Celebration: Ideas For Party Planning And Customs To Know Sun, 28 Jul 2024 22:00:18 +0000 The 100 days celebration is a significant milestone in the life of a newborn! Whether you’re hosting or attending a 100 days party, here’s what to know about the customs and traditions as well as inspiration on hosting your celebration and even where to find a 100 days cake. Congratulations, mama! You’ve just crossed the […]

The post Baby’s 100 Days Celebration: Ideas For Party Planning And Customs To Know appeared first on Sassy Mama.

The 100 days celebration is a significant milestone in the life of a newborn! Whether you’re hosting or attending a 100 days party, here’s what to know about the customs and traditions as well as inspiration on hosting your celebration and even where to find a 100 days cake.

Congratulations, mama! You’ve just crossed the fourth trimester — the first three months after delivery. Now that you’ve grown used to the sleepless nights (somewhat, at least!) and mastered breastfeeding, you can consider organising your baby’s 100-day celebration. If you are planning (or attending) a 100 days party, here’s what you need to consider.

Jump to:
100 Days Celebration Customs And Traditions
100 Days Celebration Party Venues
100 Days Cakes
100 Days Party Decorations
100 Days Gifts And Presents

Read More: Party Rooms Hong Kong – Birthdays Party Venues In Hong Kong For Adults And Kids

Chinese New Year Cheongsam and Qipao

100 Days Celebration Customs And Traditions

A 100-day celebration is traditional in Chinese culture, as it is in some other Asian countries as well. While get-togethers are also common at the end of the baby’s first month, the 100-day one is preferred because it marks the end of the most vulnerable period for new babies and mums or, in some cases, an end to confinement.

This celebration used to be fairly traditional with symbolic gifts, gold jewellery and red packets handed down from the older family members and well-wishers, as well as prayers and auspicious food being offered by the parents to their ancestors. In addition to this, often a lock of the baby’s hair would be cut and the bub would get his or her Chinese name (even if the Western name was already announced). The proud parents would also distribute red eggs (symbols of fertility) and pickled ginger to the guests. Nowadays, things are not quite as traditional and each couple is free to make up its own family traditions for this special day.

baby 100 days celebration gifts customs hong kong

100 Days Celebration Party Venues

The first decision, after deciding to host a 100 days celebration, of course, is deciding on a party venue and catering options. There’ll be babies and kids present (obviously!) but at the same time it isn’t strictly a kids’ party, so you’ll need to consider space to play, baby changing, feeding facilities and your baby’s nap schedule. Also, it should go without saying that you’re hosting a celebration whilst looking after a three-month-old baby, so you’ll want to consider how much you can take on and delegate duties where you can!

Read More: Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel’s 100-Day Celebration Package

Sassy Mama number peach 1Residential Clubhouses

If your apartment building has a clubhouse this is probably your easiest option. Close to home (for naps, delivering decorations and getting presents home), and it lets you be flexible to choose how big or small you want to go when it comes to everything from event decorations to party catering, 100-day celebration cakes and more.

Read More: Top Catering Services In Hong Kong – Party Food, Finger Food And More

Private Kitchen Hong Kong Event Spaces: one-thirtyone

Sassy Mama number peach 2Private Kitchens

There are some great private kitchens around Hong Kong, perfect for hosting your 100-day celebration. This can give you the best of both worlds — the privacy for your party and the experts taking care of the cooking and cleaning up!

Read More: Hong Kong Private Kitchens And Event Spaces

Sassy Mama number peach 3Hong Kong Hotels And Restaurants

Many Hong Kong hotels have function rooms well equipped for 100-day celebrations. Shangri-La, Hotel Icon and The Ritz-Carlton are all popular options for Hong Kong families. Likewise, you can keep things simple by booking a family-friendly restaurant or even a weekend brunch!

Read More: Best Brunch Spots In Hong Kong – Buffet, Kids’ Menus, Free-Flow & More

100 Days Celebration Cakes

No party is complete without a decadent cake and a 100-day celebration for your baby is no different! There’s no shortage of cake shops and patisseries in Hong Kong, but we do love the 100-day cake options on offer from Complete Deelite, Pheonix Sweets and Sweet Secrets.

Read More: Hong Kong Cake Shops – Where To Buy Birthday Cake For The Family

100 Days Party Decorations

Most party supply shops are well stocked in decorations for traditional celebrations like a baby’s first 100 days. Whether you want helium balloons or prefer a floral affair, the 100-day party is a celebration to be remembered and so the sky is the limit when it comes to decorations. You might want to consider eco-friendly party ideas as well.

Read More: Party Supplies in Hong Kong – Decorations For Birthday Celebrations

100 Days Gifts And Presents

As in most cultures, it’s customary to bring a gift for the new baby at a 100-day celebration. Close family members and friends may gift the baby accessories such as a longevity pendant and bangle bracelets for wrists and ankles, while others might choose to give more practical gifts like baby clothes, children’s shoes, hats and toys, along with presents for the new mum. For more 100-day gift inspiration check out Sassy Mama’s guide to gifts for new mums and babies.

Sassy Mama Tip: If you’d like to keep to Chinese traditions, wrap gifts in red paper to symbolise luck, theme your gift around the Chinese zodiac or offer a lai see packet (following the rules of new notes, no coins, even numbers except the number four!).

Read More: 16 Baby Gift Ideas Parents Will Love – Gift Hampers, Personalised Gifts & More

Editor’s Note: ” Baby’s 100 Days Celebration: Ideas For Party Planning And Customs To Know” was most recently updated in July 2024 by Fashila Kanakka, with thanks to Anita Balagopalan and Jess Mizzi for their contribution.

The post Baby’s 100 Days Celebration: Ideas For Party Planning And Customs To Know appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Top Baby Tracking Apps For Pregnancy, Nursing, Bath Time and Diapers Thu, 11 Jul 2024 22:00:19 +0000 There is so much to stay on top of as a new parent (especially for those of us with multiple kids) when it comes to tracking your baby’s milestones. Here at Sassy Mama we’ve curated a list of top pregnancy, labour and baby tracking apps. These will help you monitor the growth of your bub, […]

The post Top Baby Tracking Apps For Pregnancy, Nursing, Bath Time and Diapers appeared first on Sassy Mama.

There is so much to stay on top of as a new parent (especially for those of us with multiple kids) when it comes to tracking your baby’s milestones. Here at Sassy Mama we’ve curated a list of top pregnancy, labour and baby tracking apps. These will help you monitor the growth of your bub, from bump to baby.

There’s no rest for the wicked, but as we mamas have found, there’s no rest even for really wonderful mothers either! When you’re running around sleep deprived and covered in curious substances, it can be tough remembering when (and on what side!) to feed the bub, let alone keep track of all those dirty nappies (and nap times).

Luckily, we’ve rounded up our favourite baby tracking apps to chart their development (right from their little heartbeats on a scan to when they are running circles around us!) – something that definitely comes in handy at your next obstetrician or paediatrician visit. In addition to the nitty gritty details about availability and cost, we’ve also enlisted our own team of Sassy Mamas to share how they used the apps to make their first couple of years a little easier. Take a look below!

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pregnany and baby tracker app what to expect apple android apps

Pregnancy and Baby Tracker – WTE – Regularly updated by ‘What To Expect’ Medical Review Board

From the parenting juggernaut behind the massive bestseller the What to Expect series, this customisable pregnancy app includes an award-winning due date calculator and an archive of guides to each month of your child’s development. Once your baby arrives, it not only allows you to record your darling’s sleeping, feeding, and necessary diaper change patterns. There’s even medical advice and playtime ideas for when your brain’s just too tired to come up with another game. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, never fear – you’ll get access to the What to Expect forum where you can ask other parents for help, or just rant to them about the two hours of sleep you got last night. 

Sassy Mama says: “I love What-to-Expect’s Baby Tracking App because the interface is clear and simple to use and navigate around. With my mummy-brain, I find the ‘vaccinations’ button super helpful as it keeps me updated with those necessary (but painful) jabs!” – Min, Sassy Mama Singapore

Download: Free, available on Android and Apple.

Read More: The Fourth Trimester – What To Expect When You’re No Longer Expecting

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk baby centre baby center

Baby Centre – Free week-by-week pregnancy tracker with baby name suggestions to height predictors

Baby Centre will truly be your parenting partner right from the get-go. Starting from when you’re even thinking of having a baby – you can use the ovulation calendar and look out for early pregnancy symptoms – to needing tips to deal with pregnancy aches and pains, to settling in to life as a parent. Satiate your curiosity with the Chinese Gender Predictor, read testimonials about coping with miscarriages, and find out which beauty products are safe to use when pregnant. We can’t imagine what you might need from a baby tracker that you can’t get from Baby Centre.

Sassy Mama says: “I still use Baby Centre – their content is also amazing. It helped me during my pregnancy and even now provides some excellent tips to help me understand my 9 year old.” – Mansha, Sassy Mama Hong Kong

Download: Free, available on Apple and Android.

Read More: How To Understand And Cope With Pregnancy Loss

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk baby feed timer

Baby Feed Timer – Newborn app designed by and for breastfeeding mums

Recommended by NHS midwives in the UK, this handy-dandy app is perfect for sleep-deprived mamas who can’t remember their own last name, it reminds you what side to start on, when you’re due for the next feed, and much more. It also keeps track of bottle feedings, pumping sessions, diaper changes, and sleep timings, with in-depth charts and analysis.

Sassy Mama says: “I love how simple and uncomplicated this app is, with giant buttons that are easy to tap with one hand when I’ve got a squirming hungry baby in the other. It also syncs up with other phones so my husband knows when to feed her if I’m out and about.” – Kate, Sassy Mama Singapore

Download: Free with in-app purchases, available on Apple and Android.

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk baby connect

Baby Connect – Baby tracking app for ease of communication between caregivers

Voted “Best Baby Tracking App in 2022”, this is perfect for the mama-on-the-go. Baby Connect allows you to create an online baby tracker that can be updated remotely by anyone you grant access to: your husband, your parents, your helper, etc. so you can be out and about and still not miss a single thing. It even has its own in-app messaging tool! Baby Connect allows you to record nursing times and diaper changes as well as mood swings and milestones, and turn your updates into easily digestible graphs and charts. You’ll even be able to make a profile for your child with relevant information about their allergies, blood type and birthday – everything’s all in one place!

Download: Free with in-app purchases, available on Android and Apple.

Read More: Postnatal Depression: How To Detect Symptoms And Find Solutions

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk baby daybook

Baby Daybook – Monitor your baby’s schedule with a user-friendly interface

Now available on Apple – and compatible with Apple Watch and widgets – as well as Android, Baby Daybook is a means of recording your newborn’s every last move, from diaper changes to breastfeeding sessions with the unique option of adding in crucial notes to record irregularities. For mamas with twins or triplets, Baby Daybook’s got you covered with multiple baby profiles that you can sync up with your husband or helper’s accounts so that they know exactly what’s going on every second of the day. With customisable app colours, the team behind Baby Daybook has even been thoughtful enough to develop a darker interface so you don’t wake up your little with a blast of light during their nighttime feedings.

Download: Free, available on Android and Apple.

Read More: Domestic Helpers In Hong Kong

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk baby breastfeeding tracker nursing

Baby Breastfeeding Tracker – Stay organised with this nursing tracker app

From the minds of American Baby magazine comes the Baby Nursing app, your free, be-all, end-all breastfeeding app… and so much more! With options to chart your baby’s nursing progress as well as relevant doctors appointments and potty breaks, don’t forget to record your milestones with their in-built sound, photo and video capabilities! If you’re absolutely in love with the app, there’s even more paid-for content that will allow you to keep on top of bottle feedings, pumping, sleeping and more. Data can even be exported into a customisable Excel spreadsheet.

Download: Free, plus a paid-for upgrade, available on Android and Apple.

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk sprout pregnancy sprout baby

Sprout Pregnancy and Sprout Baby – Multiple apps for tracking different stages of child progression

Sprout is renowned for its physician-recommended baby and pregnancy apps with a number of awards from their fans at, Babble and even Apple themselves. They’ve got you covered from foetus to baby’s first steps, with an easy-to-use interface and awesome capabilities like multiple child profiles, doctor visit planners and daily tips with their pregnancy and baby trackers. Developed by mothers-to-be and doctors to guide you down the path of motherhood, and after creating a beautiful list of memories with your partner, you can send it off to be transformed into a gorgeous hardbound book for your family to treasure forever. Sprout Pregnancy also comes with a handy contraction time and kick counter.

Download (Sprout Pregnancy): Free trial, available on Apple and Android

Download (Sprout Baby Tracker): Free one week trial, available on Apple and Android.

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk feed baby

Feed Baby – Award-winning breastfeeding tracker app for new parents

It’s easy to forget things when you’re operating on infant-oriented sleep, but with Feed Baby at least you can monitor your baby’s meal times, baths, and bottle feeds. This tracker creates colourful timelines, graphs and reports based around your tot’s eating habits, even when they start on solid foods. With customisable themes in powder Vintage Pink, periwinkle Baby Blue or the more solemn Dark Knight, you and your hubby will be able to sync up your data between devices to make sure you both know exactly what’s going on wherever you are.

Download: Free with in-app purchases, available on Apple and Android.

baby tracker apps pregnancy app labour apps tracking apps hong kong hk baby tracker newborn log

Baby Tracker: Newborn Log – Highly recommended all-in-one app including baby milestones

Over a million parents have downloaded (and raved about) this app, so it must be worth checking out. The Newborn Log has a comprehensive and convenient feeding tracker that has a notes section for preferences and allergic reactions, it tracks diaper changes and your baby’s sleep schedule that you can share with a caregiver as it allows for syncing among multiple devices without compromising your privacy. Plus, you can make custom categories for your baby’s first smile, tooth, or step, log vaccine shots and temperature checks, and quickly identify patterns and abnormalities with the Data Interpretation section. What more could you need?

Download: Free with in-app purchases, available on Apple and Android.

Read More: Kids’ Sleep: How Much Sleep Children Need And Why

More Pregnancy & Baby Apps: Apps To Help You Through Labour & Contractions

These are specific apps that you will probably need to download only for the last few months of your pregnancy. So that you don’t need to go scouting for recommendations when you’re in your last trimester, we have rounded some of the apps that you should download as you approach your due date.

  • Full Term Contraction Timer – Available to download on Apple
  • Contraction Master – Available to download on Apple
  • GentleBirth – Available to download on Apple and Android
  • Freya Surge Timer – Available to download on Apple and Android
  • Contraction Timer And Counter 9m – Available to download on Apple and Android

Editor’s Note: “Top Baby Tracking Apps For Pregnancy, Nursing, Bath Time and Diapers” was originally written by Megan Hills in 2016 and most recently updated in July 2024 by Veena Raghunath. Thanks to Nikita Mishra for her contribution.

This is part of a special series, “All About Breastfeeding In Hong Kong“. For more posts on breastfeeding in Hong Kong, click here.

The post Top Baby Tracking Apps For Pregnancy, Nursing, Bath Time and Diapers appeared first on Sassy Mama.

The Best Baby Strollers In Hong Kong And Where To Buy Them Tue, 07 May 2024 22:00:22 +0000 Call it a stroller, buggy, pram, pushchair or what you will, this set of wheels will be the most important one in your life for some years to come! From Chicco to Stokke BABYZEN YOYO2, Combi, Bugaboo, Cybex and many more, there are many great toddler and baby strollers to choose from in Hong Kong! […]

The post The Best Baby Strollers In Hong Kong And Where To Buy Them appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Call it a stroller, buggy, pram, pushchair or what you will, this set of wheels will be the most important one in your life for some years to come! From Chicco to Stokke BABYZEN YOYO2, Combi, Bugaboo, Cybex and many more, there are many great toddler and baby strollers to choose from in Hong Kong!

A baby stroller is often one of the most essential baby purchases you will make as a parent. Just as each baby is different, so is each stroller and the ‘stroller-needs’ of every family. They are critical in your baby’s early years (and even later when you’re dealing with a tired toddler or pre-schooler!). If you are a mum who plans well in advance, we would advise you to try using a few options (the new mums in your baby due date club would love it if you offer to push their bub around!). From lightweight umbrellas and buggies to complete heavy-duty travel systems, narrow city strollers to big, twin or combi buggies and many more, find the stroller that is right for you.

Read More: Stroller Friendly Hikes Hong Kong – Easy Hiking Trails And Accessible Walks

Points To Consider While Choosing A Stroller

How do you know which pram is suitable for you? There are a few factors to keep in mind:

Sassy Mama number peach 1 For what ages is it suitable and is it newborn-compatible?

Newborns need to lie flat and strollers meant for them have to recline completely. If you’re in the market for a stroller for a toddler who only needs it for a quick nap on a hot day, an umbrella stroller that doesn’t recline much should work well.

Sassy Mama number peach 2 How easy is it to fold the stroller?

Ease of foldability is an important deciding factor, especially in Hong Kong, when you need to navigate public transport. The size the stroller folds down to matters as well. Get used to terms like one-hand fold, compact fold, cabin-fold (for flights), etc. and watch videos to understand how your chosen stroller scores in this department.

Sassy Mama number peach 3 How heavy is it to carry?

The weight of the stroller matters if you walk a lot in Hong Kong. While a heavier stroller usually means a less bumpy ride for your baby, it’s a nightmare at MTR exits that don’t have lifts.

Sassy Mama number peach 4 Does it allow you to attach a car seat?

If you own a car or take a lot of taxis, it’s good to get a stroller that’s car seat-compatible. Also, if you travel home frequently where car seat laws are stricter than in Hong Kong.

Sassy Mama number peach 5 Can you attach a buggy board to it?

Planning a second (or third) baby? You might want to check if a buggy board can be added on to your stroller.

Sassy Mama number peach 6 Does it have storage?

Having a baby means carrying food, diapers, a changing mat and a whole lot more. A good stroller should be able to accommodate all of that, along with your weekly grocery bags!

Sassy Mama number peach 7 How much does it cost?

This plays a key role in your decision. Do keep an eye out for second-hand strollers that come up for sale on Facebook groups and in your baby groups.

There are some non-negotiable factors while choosing a stroller, like safety of the buckling system, manoeuvrability and sturdiness. There are other factors too, like how long you plan to use the stroller, but it’s always a possibility that your baby has different plans from you! Keeping whatever is possible to plan in advance, we’ve spoken to different mums around town and lined up our favourite baby strollers in Hong Kong!

Read More: Shopping For Baby – Download A Checklist Of What You Need

Cybex – Compact and stylish strollers with optimal functionality

Cybex is known for merging innovation with distinctive design, high safety standards and smart functionality, naturally making it a popular stroller option for parents. The COŸA is Cybex’s first ultra-compact travel pushchair that can easily fold up to fit airplane cabins. Cybex’s strollers are also lightweight, provide a breathable backrest and adjustable seat which you can lay flat for newborns – all in all, an investment you won’t regret!

Ages: From newborn to approximately 4 years old.
Price: $5,499
Where To Buy: mothercare, mothercourt and Jakewell.

leclerc stroller hk

leclerc Baby – Stroller that folds with the touch of one button

A new favourite among Hong Kong Mamas, Leclerc is a Dutch brand that offers innovative strollers. The leclerc Magicfold™ Plus and Influencer series strollers are ultra lightweight and fold and unfold with the touch of just one button! It lies practically flat and fits in overhead compartments – perfect for jet-setting tots. Plus, it comes with additional accessories such as a coffee cup and rain cover.

Ages: Birth to 5 years.
From $3,890
Where To Buy: Various retailers across Hong Kong, Yoho Hong Kong.

Read More: How To Get A Passport For Your New Baby In Hong Kong

GB Pockit – Baby strollers that are built to last

GB Pockit strollers are built to last and the Pockit+ All-City stroller is a great one for Hong Kong Mamas! It has a wide range of customisable options that adapt to your lifestyle, a recline function that provides ultimate comfort and an ultra-compact folding mechanism perfect for travelling.

Ages: 6 months to 4 years. 
Price: From $2,890
Where To Buy: Booknshop, Yoho Hong Kong

Read More: Baby’s 100 Days Celebration – Customs To Know And Party Planning Tips

babyzen yoyo stroller hk

Stokke BABYZEN YOYO2 – Popular and versatile stroller ideal for urban parents

The BABYZEN YOYO strollers are always a popular pick with parents in Hong Kong and now they are part of the Stokke family. The YOYO² has a newborn pack and fits just about anywhere – it can even be folded and slung over your shoulder! This version lets you clip your car seat onto the stroller frame without having to remove the fabrics.

Ages: From birth to 4 years.
From $4,470
Where To Buy: Various shops in Hong Kong, including Mothercare, Baby Central and Petit Bazaar

Hong Kong Baby Stroller Bugaboo

Bugaboo – Stroller that comes with a bassinet and mattress

Bugaboo has several options that might be a good fit if you’re looking for a higher-end option. The Bugaboo Fox 5 bassinet and seat stroller has large, puncture-proof wheels, 5 point safety harness and is designed to fold and manoeuvre with just one hand! It also comes with a bassinet and a mattress.

Ages: From birth to 4 years.
From $13,499
Where To Buy: mothercare Hong Kong

Combi – Strollers with EggShock technology for extra protection

Combi strollers have a unique design to provide the ultimate protection for your baby. The Combi CROSSGO has EggShock technology to protect the newborn’s head and body, air suspension to absorb shock and 19cm mega wheels for stability.

Ages: 1 month to 4 years.
From $2.399
Where To Buy: Various retailers across Hong Kong, HKTV Mall

Read More: Where To Find The Perfect Baby High Chair – Stokke, Combi And More

chicco stroller hk

Chicco – Offering a wide range of baby strollers

These experts know a thing or two about all things baby. Their impressive range of strollers is worth considering when you are on the lookout for a new set of wheels. The compact Goody is a great option for urban travel.

Ages: Birth to 4 years
Price: From $3,898
Where To Buy: Chicco

Doona Car Seat Stroller – World’s first infant car seat and stroller

Doona is the world’s first infant car seat and stroller in one. Who doesn’t love simplicity and efficiency? We know we do! It transforms from a car seat to a stroller in three seconds flat!

Ages: Birth to 15 months.
From $4,280
Where To Buy: Doona Hong Kong

Read More: Where To Buy Customised Gifts That New Mums Will Love

Best strollers for Hong Kong

More Baby Strollers In Hong Kong:

  • Phil & Ted’s GO™ – Umbrella stroller that is lightweight and can be turned into a double stroller.
  • Maclaren Triumph – Lightweight and compact baby stroller. Available at ChopChop Baby.
  • Britax Romer Stroller – Compact and one-hand-fold stroller.
  • Quinny – A variety of strollers to suit your lifestyle.
  • Aprica Luxuna Comfort – Provides durable body protection, UV light protection and multi-directional body shock absorption.
  • Inglesina Twin Sketch – Double stroller with easy manoeuvrability and comfort. Available at Eugene Baby.

Read More: Toddler And Baby Stores In Hong Kong – Shop Baby Gear And More

Editor’s Note: The Best Baby Strollers In Hong Kong And Where To Buy Them was most recently updated in May 2024 by Anita Balagopalan. 

The post The Best Baby Strollers In Hong Kong And Where To Buy Them appeared first on Sassy Mama.

Birth Stories: The Veggie Wifey – No Two Births Are The Same Tue, 01 Feb 2022 22:00:46 +0000 It really is true, no two births are the same. Divya Butani of The Veggie Wifey shares her unique experience of delivering her baby in Hong Kong the second time around. On 29 November, 2021, my baby girl decided to spontaneously enter the world by challenging every single cell of strength in my body. Never would […]

The post Birth Stories: The Veggie Wifey – No Two Births Are The Same appeared first on Sassy Mama.

It really is true, no two births are the same. Divya Butani of The Veggie Wifey shares her unique experience of delivering her baby in Hong Kong the second time around.

On 29 November, 2021, my baby girl decided to spontaneously enter the world by challenging every single cell of strength in my body. Never would I have ever imagined me being capable of delivering our baby standing up, with people we have never met before, with no pain relief.

Read more: Your Guide To Family Health Insurance And Maternity Cover In Hong Kong

Birth Stories In Hong Kong: A Fast Unexpected Labour

It was a Monday morning. I went to my clinic for a regular checkup. I was 40 weeks pregnant and with the lack of sleep, and a very active toddler at home, I suggested getting a membrane sweep to get things moving. My doctor said it would take a good day or so for the labour to start and to monitor it.

So off I went home, made my favourite recipe and midway through devouring my lunch, the contractions started. The contractions got very intense and after just 15 minutes I was crying in distress. I rang the hospital to inform my doctor but couldn’t communicate clearly. I then called my husband to pick me up. I thought I had more time. Little did I know I was in full labour.

Read more: Giving Birth In Hong Kong: Public vs Private Options

birth story Hong Kong the veggie wifey welcome

My husband rushed from work. I couldn’t sit in the car, so I sat on all fours in the passenger seat, with my face against the headrest and my rear towards the windshield. If anyone saw us that day, they would have thought we were out of our minds!

“Speeding up the rocky meandering path up to Matilda Hospital, facing backwards in a moving vehicle while dilating was not part of my birth plan.”

I still wonder how my amazing husband focused on the road. With me screaming at the top of my lungs and asking him to stop every 2 minutes, he didn’t even get a chance to park, so he left the car outside the outpatient entrance. I yelled through the entrance in agony. I don’t remember how many people were in the lobby, but they were truly in for a surprise.

One of the outpatient nurses handed me a wheelchair, and I shouted “No!”

Read more: Birth Breathing: Techniques For Labour And Delivery Explained

Outpatient Entrance: My Maternal Instinct Immediately Took Over

Suddenly, I had a final powerful contraction, and an intense gush of water burst through my pants. My water broke. I knew my baby wasn’t waiting for anyone. That’s when my maternal instinct immediately took over, and in front of everyone in the lobby that day, I ripped off my pants to hold my baby’s head in my hands. All that was running through my head was “please don’t suffocate!”. I had no idea what I was doing, or how I would get my baby out safely. My husband was right beside me the whole time, trying his best to get anyone he could to help.

Read more: Top Antenatal Classes In Hong Kong To Get You Ready For Labour

divya maternity shoot blue the veggie wifey

A Fast But Empowering Delivery

The midwives from the maternity ward rushed in along with the resident OBGYN and paediatrician. They surrounded me for support, but my body couldn’t wait any longer, I felt another urge to push again and my baby was almost out of me, in my arms. I was bending over, holding her with my umbilical cord.

“I couldn’t hear any sound from her. I started to panic, and so did everyone else.”

With all the strength from everyone around me, I was carried onto a gurney and as soon as I touched down, my baby’s full body came out with her cord tugging at my placenta. She was all purple. I was praying for her loud cry. The cord was finally cut and she was taken away from me. I was roaring for an answer, to see if she was ok. A minute later, I finally heard her cry for air and sighed in relief. My husband repeatedly yelled back to me across the long corridor “She is okay, she is okay”. It was very emotional.

Read more: Everything You Need To Know About Breastfeeding In Hong Kong

I was rolled away to deliver my placenta and get a few stitches. Despite what had happened, I felt so much stronger than my previous pregnancy. Neither my designated OBGYN nor paediatrician made it in time. I was so grateful for all the midwives who stepped in, and the resident doctors who were there to help me and my baby that day.

For most of my second pregnancy, I tried to manifest a better birthing experience than my first. I have experienced two miscarriages and was pregnant during the protests and the peak of COVID. My first pregnancy was a medicated vaginal delivery. When the medication was first injected, it numbed the left side of my body and I was in a very uncomfortable birthing position. Then, when it came to active labour, the epidural wore off. Many hours later, after lots of pushing, my son’s heartbeat dropped. I had a fever from dehydration and exhaustion.

“After 24 hours of labour, my baby was torn out of me. I felt everything.”

My first postpartum experience was difficult. There was a lot of physical and mental healing, alongside being so overwhelmed as a first-time mum. It took me a long time to recover and feel somewhat “me” again. I’ve previously written about postpartum depression, and how much goes unnoticed. This time, I promised myself I would do everything in my power to give birth in a much better mindset.

Read more: Postnatal Depression: How To Detect Symptoms And Find Solutions

birth stories Hong Kong Divya the veggie wifey baby

Mindfulness, Health And Wellness During A Second Pregnancy And Delivery

I was a lot more positive and active in my second pregnancy. I went to see Reiki specialist, to help me release any negative and draining emotional energy. I worked out with prenatal trainer and pregnancy guru Ziggy Makant. She made me feel so strong, both mentally and physically. I also went to a traditional Chinese medical clinic where they helped with acupuncture and moxibustion to get my baby in the correct position. I kept on manifesting and visualising an easier birth experience with energy crystals from Angel Illuminate.

“For all the soon-to-be mothers out there, all I can say is throw out the birth plan and focus on learning how to be extremely brave, positive and strong in the face of adversity.”

Birth is out of our control, and whatever situation we are given, we have to learn how to make the most out of it. Delivering a healthy baby, and making sure you are safe is all that truly matters.

Follow The Veggie Wifey on Instagram or visit her website

Read more: The Ultimate Guide To Post Natal Recovery In Hong Kong

The post Birth Stories: The Veggie Wifey – No Two Births Are The Same appeared first on Sassy Mama.
